Mental Health thread


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
So your mom got a pneumothorax during pacemaker implantation?

That's one of the known risks of the procedure.

And how do you know the person performing the procedure was a "goddamn incompetent butcher"?

yes, doesn’t mean the lung should completely collapse

i may be wrong or not. But when he comes out and tries to tell us everything is fine, and, once he was gone for the day, the nurses showed us the x rays and tell us how far from “fine” everything is, I’ll call the surgeon whatever I please. He screwed up and then lied about the ramifications and further risk and pain she is still currently in, even a week later…So he’s incompetent and a coward And a liar. Throw in butcher for prosaic flair.

I kind of hope you do your weird incessant contrarian trolling thing you do. Please, white knight for one of the worst hospitals in Florida, for no other reason that your own boredom and my entertainment. Please.
  • Haha
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island

yes, doesn’t mean the lung should completely collapse

i may be wrong or not. But when he comes out and tries to tell us everything is fine, and, once he was gone for the day, the nurses showed us the x rays and tell us how far from “fine” everything is, I’ll call the surgeon whatever I please. He screwed up and then lied about the ramifications and further risk and pain she is still currently in, even a week later…So he’s incompetent and a coward And a liar. Throw in butcher for prosaic flair.

I kind of hope you do your weird incessant contrarian trolling thing you do. Please, white knight for one of the worst hospitals in Florida, for no other reason that your own boredom and my entertainment. Please.
"I may be wrong or not."

I'm willing to guess you don't have a lot of experience placing pacemakers or treating pneumothorax, but maybe you do.

And yet you're angry and worked up over the fact there was a complication that was one of the commonly known risks of the procedure...despite knowing you may be wrong. I've seen that sort of pissed off family member mental state before...and it's often based on inaccurate assumptions... not very productive for mental health.

Sometimes lungs completely collapse.

I'm sorry your mom had to have a chest tube. Those are painful.

It's sounds like the medical team got her through it and she's on the road to recovery.
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Bob Dobbalina

Miki Dora status
Feb 23, 2016
"I may be wrong or not."

I'm willing to guess you don't have a lot of experience placing pacemakers or treating pneumothorax, but maybe you do.

And yet you're angry and worked up over the fact there was a complication that was one of the commonly known risks of the procedure...despite knowing you may be wrong. I've seen that sort of pissed off family member mental state before...and it's often based on inaccurate assumptions... not very productive for mental health.

You know what they say about em.

and yet. Here you are.
  • Haha
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Kelly Slater status
Sep 20, 2014
When your spouse says to you in the same sentence, "goodnight, I love you. You know? If I weren't such a coward, I'd kill myself".



Needless to say, fitful sleep, tossing and turning. Luckily one of my 2 favoriot point breaks was doing its thing this am.

But still. WTF!!!!!



Kelly Slater status
Sep 20, 2014
Did you not ask your husband what was wrong??!!??
No, why would I? Not ghey, NTTIAWWT.

My wife lost her mother in March, her bipolar sister is not helping her grieve, on the contrary, making matters worse. On top of it all, our niece is having some serious health issues.

But thanks for your weak erBB attempt at grade school humor; in case you're wondering, it didn't help much.

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Michael Peterson status
Aug 13, 2015
But for real. If you want a real answer.

Your wife prob rehearsed bringing that to you thousand plus times and was scared to bring it up.

she brought it up and you just left it?


Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
No, why would I? Not ghey, NTTIAWWT.

My wife lost her mother in March, her bipolar sister is not helping her grieve, on the contrary, making matters worse. On top of it all, our niece is having some serious health issues.

But thanks for your weak erBB attempt at grade school humor; in case you're wondering, it didn't help much.

Praying for you, your old lady and the rest of the fam. And like BM said no one drops a bomb like that out of nowhere so proceed carefully from here on.

Im just thankful it didn’t include an “and I’m going to make sure after I’m gone I’m gonna let everyone know it’s your fault“. I had to deal with that once and luckily nothing came of it. If I had to do it over I’m not sure if my answer would be you’re getting 5150d you crazy bitch or what do you want me to go get you, the 12 or 20 gauge or the 9mm?

Im not a doctor but I’ve played one in a lot of erotic films and my advice would be to do everything you can to get her talking to a professional.

Good luck and Godspeed
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Random Guy

Duke status
Jan 16, 2002
When your spouse says to you in the same sentence, "goodnight, I love you. You know? If I weren't such a coward, I'd kill myself".



Needless to say, fitful sleep, tossing and turning. Luckily one of my 2 favoriot point breaks was doing its thing this am.

But still. WTF!!!!!

Hopefully she talks to someone who can help her out


Kelly Slater status
Sep 20, 2014
I do not work well with emotional blackmailing. Just doesn't seem to work on me for some reason. And saying something like that is 100% that as far as I'm concerned. Guess I'm more the type to just do it, and not talk about it. Never understood the whole leaving notes either. WTF?

As far as my wife, she is seeing a psychologist, 2 as a matter of fact. Also been on sleeping pills for as long as I can remember, one every night. Was on antidepressants, decided on her own to stop those, not sure why. Probably the whole, 'I feel better now, so I don't need those anymore' mistake.

She recently had gastric surgery (bariatric sp?) shortly before her mother passed away, and one thing the pre-surgery blood work showed was she doesn't register on any of the happiness hormones, serotonin, melatonin, adrenalin, etc... Clearly there's a chemical inbalance going on with her, but she doesn't want to do anything to change that... except take more pills... which doesn't seem to be helping much.

I am there for her as much as possible, but I also have an 88 yo dependent on me, it's hard to spread out between them both as they're both a 24/7 project. The thing is, my mother cannot fend for herself, so I have to care for her, no other choice.

Classic Rock and a Hard Place type situation.

I pray that she finds happiness, because after 20+ years of marriage I have learned the hard way, noone can make anyone happy but one's self.

All I can do, is keep taking care of her as much as the house, the garden, the animals and my mother allow.

Hopeful for brighter days ahead. Praying for them even.

But at the same time, preparing for the worst; just in case.

I too have my own mental issues, don't we all, but clearly have ZERO time to address any of them.

Sorry for dumping on you guys, but to be perfectly honest... you are more "here" for me than any of my blood family.

And for that, I thank you profusely!




Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
I do not work well with emotional blackmailing. Just doesn't seem to work on me for some reason. And saying something like that is 100% that as far as I'm concerned. Guess I'm more the type to just do it, and not talk about it. Never understood the whole leaving notes either. WTF?

As far as my wife, she is seeing a psychologist, 2 as a matter of fact. Also been on sleeping pills for as long as I can remember, one every night. Was on antidepressants, decided on her own to stop those, not sure why. Probably the whole, 'I feel better now, so I don't need those anymore' mistake.

She recently had gastric surgery (bariatric sp?) shortly before her mother passed away, and one thing the pre-surgery blood work showed was she doesn't register on any of the happiness hormones, serotonin, melatonin, adrenalin, etc... Clearly there's a chemical inbalance going on with her, but she doesn't want to do anything to change that... except take more pills... which doesn't seem to be helping much.

I am there for her as much as possible, but I also have an 88 yo dependent on me, it's hard to spread out between them both as they're both a 24/7 project. The thing is, my mother cannot fend for herself, so I have to care for her, no other choice.

Classic Rock and a Hard Place type situation.

I pray that she finds happiness, because after 20+ years of marriage I have learned the hard way, noone can make anyone happy but one's self.

All I can do, is keep taking care of her as much as the house, the garden, the animals and my mother allow.

Hopeful for brighter days ahead. Praying for them even.

But at the same time, preparing for the worst; just in case.

I too have my own mental issues, don't we all, but clearly have ZERO time to address any of them.

Sorry for dumping on you guys, but to be perfectly honest... you are more "here" for me than any of my blood family.

And for that, I thank you profusely!

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Stay strong bro.



Miki Dora status
Mar 30, 2009
You guys are a disgrace to humanity. As long as a we have air, water, food, shelter and money, in that order, there is nothing to complain about.

Man up and lay off the drugs.
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
Try telling my wife that

actually, try telling ME that from time to time. We just had a new fridge installed yesterday, and now the water pressure in all 3 kitchen lines is at like 25%. Water pressure is fine in rest of house. The fridge is getting adequate water (cant need much right?) because the ice maker was full this morning and the filtered water dispenser works just fine. But the goddamn kitchen faucet, and the pressure in our dishwasher, are both now super weak.