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It's not overrated . . . but it is fleeting. You can't walk around with the elation you get from getting pitted all day. It's not possible, except maybe for Truth (f*** that guyMaybe happiness is overrated?
You know during airline flight prep, when staff is demonstrating what do if the cabin loses pressure, they say something like, "Put your O2 mask on first, then your child's."Turns out I have Informal Caregiver Burnout Syndrome ... didn't even know it was a thing back before COVID started, when we decided to take my then 86 yo mother in as a permanent resident for whom I quit working to provide for her care.
Also, Bad Company was a pretty good band.
"Bad Company, til the day I diiiiiiiiiiie!"Also, Bad Company was a pretty good band.
So your mom got a pneumothorax during pacemaker implantation?After nearly being killed by a botched pace maker implant on Tuesday my mom is now home and her lung “appears to be reattaching nicely” say the goddamn incompetent butchers that burst her lung in the first place.
Actually means mother in latin!mothor