I just want to have strong joints and be protected from injury.
Who can teach me how to do this?
I just need someone to show me the exercises and watch my form for a few sessions I think.
Not interested in getting swole.
My interest only started after injury and my goal was initially similar to yours- injury prevention. But as you research you find all kind of other benefits (to strength training). My main goal is I want to keep surfing and even shortboarding for as long as possible (I'm 60).
I read "The Barbell Prescription," got the "Starting Strength" video, watched a ton of YouTube University videos (mostly Professor Rippetoe and Professor Thrall), started really light (like 45lb empty bar light) and have been adding weight so slowly that I never felt in danger. As far as form I have a 18 year old niece who has a trainer and she will review my videos and critique me (usually with a healthy dose of sarcasm) and you can video yourself and compare your form to your professor's videos. Or join a gym and get a coach.
I think there are a few on here for whom weightlifting is one of their primary past times, something they really enjoy. That's not me. But I can relate to their enthusiasm when I think of running. I enjoy running at the beach or in the hills. I can get pretty competitive. I don't like getting passed and consider running 6 miles kind of a joke. 13 is a good distance. And a marathon is totally doable. VM's 275 minimum is like a marathon. Anybody who trains can run a marathon. It takes effort though and an investment in time. I don't think anyone needs to be able to run a marathon, like I don't think anyone needs to lift 275. I'm sure we all know people who led a long productive life and never did either. But both activities- cardio and strength- are essential for good health. I had totally neglected the one.
However, if running or weightlifting interfere with surfing, for me it totally defeats the purpose. I post on a surfng forum and have never posted on a running forum. I realized lifting you get DOMS. So now I just program strength day a couple days before a period I am not planning to surf (nowadays I don't surf on weekends, don't have to anymore). Likewise when I was running the marathon I had to program long runs (20 miles +) so as not to interfere with surf. Once I surfed 3 hours on a day I had a 20 mile run planned. I ran in the afternoon thinking I was sufficiently rested. It was the only time I cramped up to the point I couldn't walk. Lesson learned.
Anyways, long winded. Sorry. Just buy a barbell Casa, that's all I wanted to say.