*** Official Corona Virus Thread ***


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
For as long as the economic effects linger. We are all dealing with insane inflation and this will take a long time to calm down. Lots of housing markets went from very tough to near impossible to buy into because of high paid workers going remote and all of the extra cash floating around.

How long should people stress about Thruster for? Do you really think that if he were to drop dead or be thrown in prison and barred from running again, that all of a sudden posters like Pico would stop starting threads about him :unsure: :roflmao: :trout:

You want people to stop calling out the Covid response because most of the worst polices and overreactions came from Blue surfboards. Plain and simple.
How do you parse the economic effects with all the other varibles effecting the economy?

What is your measure?
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Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
How ironic that you're impotently grousing about our grousing.

Right now it's just sound and fury.

Would your complaints be more effective in another context?

An old man who spends too much time on the internet?

Have you read the stoics?

Epictetus would not approve.

Executive Order 14042
You forgot the funny cartoon picture of yourself.


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
i think its quite amusing that the lemmings will literally say *anything* other than, "yes, it is dumb to mandate that people get a vaccine (with no long term safety data) for a disease that the person has already recovered from"

i smell ideological fundamentalism!


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
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Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
arguing with fundamentalists is boring as fvck, but its just fascinating to see how powerfully attached people can become to an ideology

one good sign - if the recent history of this thread is any indication, there are fewer vaccine extremists now than there was a year ago
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Duke status
Jan 21, 2014
West of the Atlantic. East of the ICW.
People in the managerial class are never held accountable which is one of the primary causes of loss of trust in institutions. Tone deaf managerial midwits blame the loss of trust on misinformation rather than their lying and incompetence. This trend has been going on for decades.

How is this over? California DPH is still running ads on the radio every 15 minutes for everyone over the age of 5 to get a booster, followed by Pfizer's ads saying the same thing. It's unclear whether they mean, "Get the old booster," or "Get the new bivalent booster that has been tested only on mice." I suspect the former since ACIP approved that one for everyone 5 and up. In this case, they must be trying to clear the freezers for the new bivalent boosters that have been approved only for those 12 and up. It's a real humdinger. In any case, this is far from over and one always suspects that it's coming back. Soft Top regime apparatchiks tried to walk back his statements on 60 Minutes because they want the grift to continue.

Did anyone hear the mental health programs being run on the radio instead of music last night? Freaking bizarre and about two years too late. Better late than never I guess.

Since COVID 19 began 3 years ago, I suspect we have 3 more years of dealing with the immediate effects of bad policy advocated by simps for the COVID regime such as Autoprax - effects such as inflation, job loss, etc. The long-term effects will be felt for a generation, such as further loss of trust in institutions like the CDC. The only way to reverse this is to punish people like Fauci and Walensky and fire a lot of bureaucrats.
Bingo!!!!! I'll add that every politician that supported vax mandates and the school and business closures beyond those first couple weeks needs to be thrown the fuk out of office from the BOE local level right up to the federal level.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
arguing with fundamentalists is boring as fvvk, but its just fascinating to see how powerfully attached people can become to an ideology

one good sign - if the recent history of this thread is any indication, there are fewer vaccine extremists now than there was a year ago
Yep. One of my friends who was coerced by the federal government developed a heart arrythmia. Another friend of a friend developed pericarditis. Too many people have had or seen side effects.


Duke status
Jan 22, 2016

prior to covid there have not been mandates for vaccines with no long term safety data.

prior to covid there have not been mandates to be vaccinated for a disease that the person has already recovered from
you keep talking about long term safety data but don't ever say what that means? What concerns do you think there are long term? We've discussed that mRNA isn't new technology, but you don't even have to get a mRNA vaccine anymore.

And every flu shot mandate prior to COVID was for a virus you might have previously recovered from.

Many people catch whooping cough prior to college, yet vaccination is required. It's because you can get it more than once. Mumps too. So yes, there have always been mandates to be vaccinated for a disease a person has already recovered from.


Duke status
Jan 22, 2016
Yep. One of my friends who was coerced by the federal government developed a heart arrythmia. Another friend of a friend developed pericarditis. Too many people have had or seen side effects.
It's funny how the anti-vaxxers have so many "friends" with ailments from the vaccine.

Which vaccine(s) did they get?


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
Yep. One of my friends who was coerced by the federal government developed a heart arrythmia. Another friend of a friend developed pericarditis. Too many people have had or seen side effects.
don't be silly, @PRCD , if there were vaccine side effects like that, we would be able to see it by comparing the number of cardiac issues between the vaccinated folks and the unvaccinated control group in the clinical trails

how is that unvaccinated control group doing these days?

all dead now?

or did something else happen to the control group?
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Duke status
Jan 22, 2016
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
It's funny how the anti-vaxxers have so many "friends" with ailments from the vaccine.

Which vaccine(s) did they get?
Seems like your game is to evade accounting for any of your beliefs and ideas and ask a bunch of dumb questions.


Duke status
Jan 22, 2016
8-10 years is pretty typical

i have never encountered mandatory flu shots in my life before covid
I'm not encountering mandatory covid vaccines now. They must not exist.

Many employers required flu shots prior to COVID. Hospitals etc. in particular.

No backpedal on prior vaccines for a virus you might have already had claim? Or have you always been raging against schools' tdap requirment?

What long-term issues are you worried about, particularly with the non-mRNA vaccines?