*** Official Corona Virus Thread ***


Duke status
Apr 8, 2006


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
About 5 million people have now gotten the bivalent booster, with no widespread reports of side-effects. More people than mice have now taken the drug.
i think its great that people have the option to get flu or covid shots if they want them

some people really get smacked down by those rapidly mutating virus

its good that those folks have options available to reduce their risk


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
About 5 million people have now gotten the bivalent booster, with no widespread reports of side-effects. More people than mice have now taken the drug.
What active surveillance system did they set up for this? Remember horse paste? This is your horse paste.

that's a long list

so there's a *lot* of kids who are:

1. at essentially zero risk of any serious outcome from covid because of their age
The risk:reward ratio is firmly negative now for kids | 1 in 2500 risk of myocarditis and no safety data on boosters. The risk:reward ratio for children gets more negative all the time.
2. mandated to get a covid vaccine for which there is no long term safety data
See above. There is no data at all for the mouse shots.
3. mandated to get a covid vaccine for a variant they have already been infected with and recovered from
All risk, no reward.
4. complying with said mandate in order to have the opportunity to:

1. acquire large debt that cannot be discharged via bankruptcy
2. earn a degree that has essentially zero market value

that is so dumb i really just have to laugh
5. Be gaslit by profs and teachers that there is no mandate.

It's ok to be antivax now since a VERY IMPORTANT publication has posted something that could be construed as negative:

That's good because excess deaths among the 18-49 demographic in Europe are at records highs!

Stuff we already knew - Fauci et al ran a narrative-shaping campaign using government-backed private sector cut-outs to slander anyone who didn't go along:
Yet emails obtained pursuant to a FOIA request later revealed that these attacks were not the products of an independent objective news-gathering process of the type that publications like the Times and the Guardian still like to advertise. Rather, they were the fruits of an aggressive attempt to shape the news by the same government officials whose policies the epidemiologists had criticized. Emails between Fauci and Collins revealed that the two officials had worked together and with media outlets as various as Wired and The Nation to orchestrate a “takedown” of the declaration.
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Random Guy

Duke status
Jan 16, 2002
My wife has decided to follow what the doctors she works with are doing, and getting boosted again.
i am on the fence between following the doctors or the internet characters like duffy and prcd


Really glad I didn't vax my boys.
LOL, that's some source. I looked at some of those dead folks and most were deaths due to something other than heart issues. Asthma, unknown causes, cause not available, sudden illness, blood clots, cause not released, leukemia, cancer, drowning, fall off a cliff, stroke, died in sleep, died after a short illness etc.

Super compelling lol.
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Duke status
Apr 8, 2006
I'd go with Duffy and PRCD for sure. WTF do doctors know, anyway, other than what they are told by the drug companies??? An hour or two on Google will get you up to speed and you can be confident that your self-diagnosis and treatment plan is the absolute best!

Remember, this works for cancer, too, so when the oncologist comes in, tell him "Fuck off, I've got Dr. Google!".


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020