Crazy Drivers Post Pandemic


Miki Dora status
Dec 30, 2003
down the hill and to the right
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Not to get all tinfoil hat on you, but there is a movement amongst city planner types, in cahoots with developers, to make driving as miserable as possible in L.A. Taking away parking, "road diets," stop lights set to make people wait until they're about to snap . . . this is all happening, and I've even seen these bastards admit it in print. They claim it's "for the environment," and to curb "traffic violence," which is a buzzword they invented so their shills on social media can jump into every conversation and try to shame anyone who admits they need to drive. Not kidding, this is a thing.

Anyway, my most favoritest incident of bad driving lately is the guy in a Lamborghini driving about 30 mph on the 101, while traffic was moving 70-80. He was swerving all over the place, too. I catch up to him, and the moron is LOOKING AT A LAPTOP! Like completely oblivious to his surroundings.

I don't even know what to say about that. :foreheadslap::shrug::bricks:
SANDAG is all in on this movement. They want to make so bad to drive in San Diego County that we turn to bicycles and/or almost non-existent public transportation. It's not working but they are trying as hard as they can.


Miki Dora status
Dec 30, 2003
down the hill and to the right
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they did this in North Park. But, the developers couldn’t fill the units so they’re now buying up any available parking spots nearby.

next stop, San Diego selling off metered spaces to the highest bidder.

as far as I’m concerned, I don’t leave a 2mi radius from my house unless required by the wife or my employer.
Yep. We don't leave the bubble unless it's absolutely necessary.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
The Southern states have some other confounding factors which would burn your retinas if I posted them. :waving:
so it's not just reefer madness but also skin color?

looking forward to the charts and graphs.
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Not to get all tinfoil hat on you, but there is a movement amongst city planner types, in cahoots with developers, to make driving as miserable as possible in L.A. Taking away parking, "road diets," stop lights set to make people wait until they're about to snap . . .
As I like to say, "Developers are the new environmentalists."

It's not tinfoil by any means, and it's not just LA. It's coast to coast.

I brought this up years ago here and was labeled a conspiracy theorist.
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
SANDAG is all in on this movement. They want to make so bad to drive in San Diego County that we turn to bicycles and/or almost non-existent public transportation. It's not working but they are trying as hard as they can.
It's everywhere, really.

From removing lanes of traffic for bikes to gas tax increases to per mile tax propositions.

What's really funny is where you see them removing lanes of traffic for bikes in areas where the temperature is 85 degrees+ for nine months out of the year.:crazy2:
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
It's everywhere, really.

From removing lanes of traffic for bikes to gas tax increases to per mile tax propositions.

What's really funny is where you see them removing lanes of traffic for bikes in areas where the temperature is 85 degrees+ for nine months out of the year.:crazy2:
It's the new Western 1% ideology with astroturfing campaigns and marketing.

Seems like they want to achieve something like Tokyo but haven't gotten started on building a safe, functional public transportation system.


Miki Dora status
Dec 30, 2003
down the hill and to the right
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So the elites' plan worked. They're doing this in London too.
In reality, that's only part of it. We are very fortunate to live in a great neighborhood, in a nice house that is close to all types of amenities. If I hit all green lights, I'm at Home Depot, the Milfmart or in the water anywhere between Seaside and Stonesteps in 10 min or less. Elks Club and Bobby Riggs are right around the corner for cheap drinks and Pickleball. No need to leave unless to see my Dad, surf better waves, work or go sailing.


Nep status
Feb 24, 2011
Haha. I see your shitty US drivers and raise you shitty drivers in the US Caribbean. See here, we have not only extremely wreckless driver, where some dude may be loaded to the gills with AK's, ammunition, and drugs, but we also have very shitty roads with terrible potholes, blind corners, and no lines on the road. Oh, did I mention we drive on the left but use US manufactured vehicles built to be driven on the right side of the road (headlights angled slightly away from oncoming traffic).

But hey, its completely legal here to pop a top on a brewskie, cheers the cop with the blackout tint and you will likely drive away from the cop with no working tailights, cracked windshield, and no seat belt and just cruise with no flashing lights coming to ticket your ass. Ah, life in the islands. Sounds like a Jimmy Buffet song yeah?

We mostly only go about 30 mph on these crappy roads. But people be driving into big mahogany trees, flipping their vehicles, or driving off the road all the time. Have to be super vigilant for these zombies.

If you come to live in this paradise, you have to start with a ragga. That's what we call a beat up late model vehicle. They are quite hard to find these days in the sates but we got plenty down here. Like for instance Suzuki Sidekick is the ultimate ragga vehicle mehson!
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Duke status
Dec 3, 2010
clearly cannabis psychosis!
Is that a thing? Could be. The start of any trip is 20 minutes of bad dirt road. When you get to the pavement it gets dangerous. With limited exceptions, medical and funerals, I’m over it.


Duke status
Dec 3, 2010
200 is safety. 200 is security. 200 is life.
When you put it like that I kinda miss the good old days with 3 retenes between here and town, the army with suspected bad guys laid out face down on the pavement at gun point, dodging cattle on the road at night, car jackings, cartel shootouts, etc.
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