Not to get all tinfoil hat on you, but there is a movement amongst city planner types, in cahoots with developers, to make driving as miserable as possible in L.A. Taking away parking, "road diets," stop lights set to make people wait until they're about to snap . . . this is all happening, and I've even seen these bastards admit it in print. They claim it's "for the environment," and to curb "traffic violence," which is a buzzword they invented so their shills on social media can jump into every conversation and try to shame anyone who admits they need to drive. Not kidding, this is a thing.
Anyway, my most favoritest incident of bad driving lately is the guy in a Lamborghini driving about 30 mph on the 101, while traffic was moving 70-80. He was swerving all over the place, too. I catch up to him, and the moron is LOOKING AT A LAPTOP! Like completely oblivious to his surroundings.
I don't even know what to say about that.