Crazy Drivers Post Pandemic


Michael Peterson status
Jun 27, 2019
BTW Maine has to have the worst drivers in North America. The sh!t I saw there during my
What are you talking about?! New England drivers know how to handle snow, rain and summer tourists.

California drivers, on the other hand, lose their sh!t as soon as a drop of rain hits the ground. Don't even get me started about Tahoe and I-80.


Duke status
Feb 27, 2009
I still can’t wrap my some around the rampant tailgating more than anything.

75mph = 110 feet per second smh

@$kully bitd the hood was the only place in LA I saw people consistently ignoring red lights to the point I approached my greens with caution if there wasn’t much traffic. I chalked it up to the lack of law enforcement bc I never saw any cops either.
I see people deliberately run red lights several times a day. One of the more common moves I see is people race down the suicide lane past stopped traffic and into the left turn lane at prob twice the speed limit and cut in front of everybody, going straight from the left turn lane just as the light turns green or before it turns green. Like I said, some of the driving around here is pure GTA.

Also every left turn lane will have not one but three to four cars running the red light to make that left. It’s always been acceptable in LA for one car to run the red as it changes on a left turn or nobody would ever make a left turn. But here they push it to three or four. If you’re the first car at a green light you have to be sure as sh!t the intersection is clear before you go.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Reading between the lines here, but it sounds like something bad happened to you driving in the Northeast.

Quebec pretty bad too.

Just observed the crazy driving...and during the time I spent on the East Coast there were plenty of batshit crazy NE drivers on the road...95% of the drivers on in the southeast part of the state are from the NE corridor.
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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
Worst driver I ever saw was in LA. Driving through Culver City on Venice and I see what I assume is someone with wicked brain damage trying to drive, that or I legit thought they were having a seizure they were so incompetent bro.

Get closer and it’s a brand new euro luxury car with a ucla sticker. Proceeds to drive up one the off ramps for the 10. Thankfully by that point their atrocious driving had also attracted the attention of law enforcement and they had a cop behind them


Michael Peterson status
Jun 27, 2019
Damnit casa. I knew you'd get some cockamamy stats going. I almost included some proper stats in my first post knowing you'd go there.

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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
Damnit casa. I knew you'd get some cockamamy stats going, and I almost included them proactively in my first post. Here are some to counter yours.

The stats for the southern states confirm my observations.

I love when a state has such bad drivers, they put signs up on the highways to remind people it’s a $10k fine for running over DOT workers, give a number to report drunks, it’s been this many days without a major pileup on this highway, reiterate the penalties for your second DUI etc
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
They call them Mainiacs for a reason. Boston drivers are pretty fucking shitty too.
With the Maine thing I'm not trying to be a dick it really just hits you in a "WTF is going on here?" sort of way.

I can remember some trauma nurses from Maine telling me about how disgusting it was cleaning moose remnants off patients that had plowed into them on Maine roads.

I didn't really get it until I'm driving up there in the mornings and evenings on the back roads and the locals are flying by me going 40+ over the speed limit.:crazy2:
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Duke status
Feb 27, 2009
With the Maine thing I'm not trying to be a dick it really just hits you in a "WTF is going on here?" sort of way.

I can remember some trauma nurses from Maine telling me about how disgusting it was cleaning moose remnants off patients that had plowed into them on Maine roads.

I didn't really get it until I'm driving up there in the mornings and evenings on the back roads and the locals are flying by me going 40+ over the speed limit.:crazy2:
Have you ever been to a foreign country? You think sh!t is nuts here, go drive the Amalfi coast and you’ll see some sh!t. As a whole American roads are comparatively tame compared to many other places.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Have you ever been to a foreign country? You think sh!t is nuts here, go drive the Amalfi coast and you’ll see some sh!t. As a whole American roads are comparatively tame compared to many other places.
I've driven in many foreign countries. Europe, Africa, Canada, all over Latin America.

I would agree they are comparatively tame, hence my WTF at the 3rd world style stupidity I encountered.


Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
It trips me out how people so badly need to be in front of other people, even if it makes everyone go slower, th "me first" thing in cars is crazy.

Drivers trying to use a briefly existing right hand third lane meant for slow trucks going uphill to whip around and pass on the far right create a backup on the 101 from slo to pismo every single day. They aren't able to see that it creates a bottle neck a short way ahead, or if they are, they can't help but make it worse, because they need to pass people. Even if it means having to break ahead, and makes them and everyone else have to slow down overall, it doesn't matter, must pass.
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Sep 19, 2018
People are just getting more and more impatient these days. I finally invested in a good dashcam because of similar instances. It gives me a little peace of mind knowing I can catch these folks in the act.
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