Crazy Drivers Post Pandemic


Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
When you put it like that I kinda miss the good old days with 3 retenes between here and town, the army with suspected bad guys laid out face down on the pavement at gun point, dodging cattle on the road at night, car jackings, cartel shootouts, etc.
Sitting at the Nexpa turn off with all your sh!t is a little like sitting in the lineup at Monster Hole on a lightly attended day when everyone else is inside or down the line and all you hear is the distant thp-thp of tires going over the joints on the inlet bridge. And the Jaws music playing inside your skull.
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Duke status
Dec 3, 2010
Sitting at the Nexpa turn off with all your sh!t is a little like sitting in the lineup at Monster Hole on a lightly attended day when everyone else is inside or down the line and all you hear is the distant thp-thp of tires going over the joints on the inlet bridge. And the Jaws music playing inside your skull.
Are you the erBB Sharkbiscuit? Your ride is here.
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Staff member
Apr 1, 2005
I've noticed that people have pretty much just lost their minds. Stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street and a car overtook me and almost plowed into the pedestrian. Another instance, I stopped for a school bus that was loading (required by law), and cars lined up on both directions waiting. Couple morans overtake the line of cars and plow past the school bus with kids loading. WTF?? Dashcam wasn't working or else I'd report to the police. But near my house, these types of things are a daily occurrence.
Not just with driving. People in general have lost their fucking minds in all aspects of life.

I've noticed a huge up swing in number of complete wack jobs in public, since Covid. Seems like everyone wants to speak their mind, and whats on their mind is complete fucking non-sensical angered gibberish. Literally everyone wants to fight, start an argument, complain about something very loudly, and do so in front of everyone. It's very strange.

People on planes
People behind the wheel
People in parking lots
People standing in line for anything
People at the park

Can't get away from them if you live in the city.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
Not just with driving. People in general have lost their fucking minds in all aspects of life.

I've noticed a huge up swing in number of complete wack jobs in public, since Covid. Seems like everyone wants to speak their mind, and whats on their mind is complete fucking non-sensical angered gibberish. Literally everyone wants to fight, start an argument, complain about something very loudly, and do so in front of everyone. It's very strange.

People on planes
People behind the wheel
People in parking lots
People in stores at the register
People at the park
Really? Where do you live? The only place I see this behavior is the erBB politics forum. 99.5% of my interactions with folks are cordial.


Staff member
Apr 1, 2005
Not just with driving. People in general have lost their fucking minds in all aspects of life.

I've noticed a huge up swing in number of complete wack jobs in public, since Covid. Seems like everyone wants to speak their mind, and whats on their mind is complete fucking non-sensical angered gibberish. Literally everyone wants to fight, start an argument, complain about something very loudly, and do so in front of everyone. It's very strange.

People on planes
People behind the wheel
People in parking lots
People standing in line for anything
People at the park

Can't get away from them if you live in the city.
I've seen it in SLO a bit, but I travel a lot for fun so I see it where I travel. Some days, I wake up and just feel like going for a drive and end up offroading in Nevada desert or something. Or I might fly somewhere for the weekend just because I've never been to a place. So I cross paths with a lot of different groups of people.


Michael Peterson status
Jul 23, 2011
Living in San Diego, without fail, I will be stopped at a red light, and the driver behind me has to get right up on my bumper as we wait for the light to change- effectively putting me at risk if they get rear-ended. If this is you -knock it off.

Kids getting their licenses today appear to not have to pass the same driving test I passed back in the 80'. One buddy's kid only had to drive around the block a couple times to pass his test - no freeway time, no parallel parking... etc.
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Miki Dora status
Dec 30, 2003
down the hill and to the right
Visit site
Really? Where do you live? The only place I see this behavior is the erBB politics forum. 99.5% of my interactions with folks are cordial.
While my personal interactions with others is pretty much 99.99999999% cordial. I try to be nice to everyone I come in contact with. Life is easier for me that way...
However, I travel for work and witness it all the time on planes, at airports, hotels and restaurants. Saw some heavy road rage yesterday on my commute into the office. People are angry and not afraid to express it.


Tom Curren status
Apr 11, 2006
Del Boca Vista, Phase III
I see people deliberately run red lights several times a day. One of the more common moves I see is people race down the suicide lane past stopped traffic and into the left turn lane at prob twice the speed limit and cut in front of everybody, going straight from the left turn lane just as the light turns green or before it turns green. Like I said, some of the driving around here is pure GTA.

Also every left turn lane will have not one but three to four cars running the red light to make that left. It’s always been acceptable in LA for one car to run the red as it changes on a left turn or nobody would ever make a left turn. But here they push it to three or four. If you’re the first car at a green light you have to be sure as sh!t the intersection is clear before you go.
I see this too daily as I drive a lot in LA for work, which I hate doing more and more (driving, that is).

I admit to driving the suicide (utility) lane to make a left if it's backed up, but not at twice the speed limit, at the speed limit.

LA really needs to extend the time on some left turn arrows, and install more. I've started circling around to go left by going right 3 times in succession, it's often faster.

Would love more traffic circles in LA, but the only ones I see also have fucking stop signs at them. So dumb.
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Staff member
Apr 1, 2005
I see this too daily as I drive a lot in LA for work, which I hate doing more and more (driving, that is).

I admit to driving the suicide (utility) lane to make a left if it's backed up, but not at twice the speed limit, at the speed limit.

LA really needs to extend the time on some left turn arrows, and install more. I've started circling around to go left by going right 3 times in succession, it's often faster.

Would love more traffic circles in LA, but the only ones I see also have fucking stop signs at them. So dumb.
in SF, many left turns are illegal during rush hour traffic. So yah, have to do the three right turns thing. It's a weird existence we've built for ourselves.
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Phil Edwards status
Jul 13, 2020
San Diego
You have not experienced a hostile left turn lane until you’ve visited Asia.

if you are not aggressive enough, someone will wiggle up in front of you.

when you thought someone could not be more aggressive than the 4-5 cars jammed into the oncoming lane, another joins the party.