Imitation highest form of flattery?


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Without Ryan making these the last 10 years and the buzz about them
I have a distant memory of hearing about "V-bowls"

Otherwise never seen or heard of this shape.

Either Ryan is really dumb or he did this to drum up interest in his own product at the expense of someone else.

Also - for a shaper with a large audience - to (falsely) smear another domestic manufacturer as an overseas popout brand?

He should either humble himself and make a public apology or fuck off.


Duke status
Sep 26, 2005
Tower 13
Ryan did make this type of board popular , just like Tomo and his cut off nose and double diamond tail

Done before but without too much interest

Without Ryan making these the last 10 years and the buzz about them there would be no interest in making a version of these .

The Pig design in longboards was replaced by better working designs in the evolution of design - just how it went
why is there a pig model in many of the good longboard shapers arsenal then?
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Nep status
Apr 19, 2017
I own and surf logs of the pig variety and modern derivatives of the Nuuhiwa noserider. I think both boards are valid designs and they excel in different conditions and at different styles of riding the wave. If your goal is to noseride as long as possible and through any section a modern noserider will outperform a pig, but I don’t think that means it’s a better board or style of design.