
OTF status
Feb 10, 2017
I saw one of those stickers on a car parked at the skate park. I had seen them in Hawaii. I asked him where he got it, and he said Amazon. Yup, they are on there


Miki Dora status
Jun 3, 2004
part of the new gimme 10% fake don't pay taxes ponzi scheme church racket. Leading edge of the anti vax movement.

HE>i (HE is greater than i) is a lifestyle company / clothing brand that is based off of the Bible verse John 3:30 - “HE (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.” We operate out of the small town of Hale’iwa, on the North Shore of O’ahu, Hawai’i, and have a second store in Honolulu, Hawai'i.

Our purpose is to produce quality clothing and accessories to encourage, inspire, and share the Good News of our savior, Jesus. We do our best to create simple and original products that provide opportunities for people to share the Good News with anyone who asks about our simple logo. Most people have a story about when they first discovered what our logo (HE>i) means - either by figuring it out on their own or having someone share the meaning with them. We love hearing personal stories about how God has used our simple logo to bless and encourage different people around the world!

The idea for the logo came in 2003 while trying to think of something clever to put on the main screen of a Nokia phone. After browsing through the selection of symbols, the greater than sign (>) stuck out and brought to mind one of our all-time favorite Bible verses, John 3:30. The phrase “HE>i” stayed on the home screen, and friends who saw it encouraged us to do something with it. We started making shirts, hats, and stickers for our small group of friends. After a few years of occasionally selling shirts at Christian concerts and art shows, we opened our first shop in 2008. It was in a tiny space in an out-of-the-way strip mall in Waialua. After a couple of years there and only being open three days a week, we decided to take a leap of faith and moved to a storefront on the main street in Hale’iwa, and opened the shop six days a week. Since then we’ve opened an additional store in Honolulu, and can always be found right here on our website.
Started with all the ex-dope head surfers in the country trying to find another non-drug addiction to get high with


Tom Curren status
Apr 16, 2014
Honolulu, Hawaii
Yeah they’re Christians. They are very nice people. Ive known them for awhile and didn’t even know they did this. They don’t talk about it. North Shore kids.


Duke status
Feb 27, 2009
Jesus is a hell of a drug. Any adult that believes in that sh!at shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


Michael Peterson status
Apr 23, 2001
Not really into Trump loving Jesus freaks? Read this: "Jesus and John Wayne." It explains a lot
why Trump fits right in.


Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
Alright, hey, keep John Wayne's name out ya mouth. Trump wishes he was a real American hero like Cord MothafuckinMcNally.
(If we can collectively pretend the Christopher Columbus thing is reality, I can pretend John Wayne is)


Miki Dora status
Jun 3, 2004
For the longest time I thought it was a just some weird way to write "Heki" until someone explained it to me.
yup me too
Always seen them on those construction worker trucks thinking to myself who the hell is HEKI?
Is that some kind of new Hawaiian thing like the AINOKEA thing?
then a family member clued me in

And you're right usually bad drivers
I always found it ironic that they have a retail store on Nimitz next to Sensually Yours

we should do a post on the types using the following ridiculous bumper stickers
Defend Hawaii, Bloodline, Keep Country Country, Kia'ai Mauna Kea

Personally I like:
"Be Humbo, No Grumbo" and "Eh Haole, Dis Ain't Da Mainland"


Duke status
Feb 27, 2009
So who here has a HE<I decal on their truck? Fess up. Where’s the ErBB godsquad at?

I’m starting a new company called SHE<I geared toward feminists and the white knights who call themselves allies to get into their pants. Put a decal on your car and you’re gonna fuck for sure.