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fxdIn other news, SBF sentenced today to 25yrs in prison. He's 32 and will get out at 57, or probably sooner with his political donations and parental power and influence.
How is it now?All I can say is thanks Trumby. Saw this thread pop up so I took a look at my account for the first time in about two weeks. It was a very very good two weeks I should add.
something sometthing something it took 4 years to get there.How is it now?
Im just going to grab an ETF for cannastocks and hold for awhile, we will see if dems make any headway...
Same. CNBS
Hot tip from motley fool: rare “all in” on OLED. Component maker for virtually everything (including next waves of iphones) gonna buy 2 shares at 240 each, camp on them for a decade see if it really goes up several thousand split adjusted %. Another pick for you CBD guys that has a much lower entry point- charlottes web.
It’s a long hold. 5+ years
That way people can't call BS on it and will forget about it if it never pans out.
edgingok I’m in, HOOD calls from $20 to $60 with most around $32, expiring 11/15.
How is it now?
And when it it inevitably goes down, we can all bash whomever is nominally in charge then and hopefully justify said remark with some gallows humor and a personal anecdote because, well, we all do it in some fashion or another:something sometthing something it took 4 years to get there.
So much of these crowdsourced "answers" are grossly inaccurate or slanted towards negative - like I said before, it's just another spin on Yelp but perhaps worse.It's also, frankly, the best crowdsourced place to find answers to questions about subjects you're not an expert in, which drives more engagement.
Engrish?Stock market cool off this morning. Easter holiday hangover.
RDDT drops again. Thinkroswim still shows as HTB (hard to borrow). Since I can't short, I should have grabbed some Puts last week when it started to drop. Options were posted last week.
Any other broker have shares available to borrow on Reddit?
My Youtube feed was full of TSLA vids this weekend that were more or less strongly hinting TSLA is going to sky rocket soon. I wonder if the algo saw me looking up copper and fed me hype.....sigh.Stock market cool off this morning. Easter holiday hangover.
Has he ever heard of RF frequencies?FWIT
This weekend, was trying to help out the brother-in-law with his belief that the USA needs lots of copper wire in the future and how he could play this in the market.
Beside the easy idea to buy miners and refiners and wire makers and subsequent buyers of said wire, I didn't have much to really say.
"How do you find companies to buy," he asked.
"Ah, the fantasy stock picking game thing I do? Hmm, well, a quick search brings me this and they post some companies that make copper wire in the USA. Find one that is making money now and is predicted to make money in the future (and why), etc., then see if any are publicly traded. Then you make some choices and live with them."
Anyway, sometimes it makes me wonder what people put in the search boxes at for this sort of stuff. I mean, if I can find it, can't everyone else?
My Youtube feed was full of TSLA vids this weekend that were more or less strongly hinting TSLA is going to sky rocket soon. I wonder if the algo saw me looking up copper and fed me hype.....sigh.
Elon has demonstrated his comfort with SEC fines in the face of manipulating his stock for personal wealth gains.Pre market is sliding.
Is TSLA done as a hype stock? Been looking dead for a while now. Might try shorting it to sub 150 but that stock manages to fuck over the shorts quite often.