*** Official Right wingers storm US Capitol Building Thread ***


Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
And he is a fucking traitor! If Turnip had pulled this off Gramsdud would be here telling us why Turnip won fair and square
He actually tried to blame 1/6 on Antifa first, then the Democratic party. Anybody but the scumbag on tape inciting. From the party of personal responsibility .
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Miki Dora status
Jun 9, 2015
OB/Point Loma


Miki Dora status
Jun 9, 2015
OB/Point Loma
Did the FBI find the pipe bombers? nah...
Did the FBI arrest Ray Epps? Nah...
Have they found the Supreme Court Leaker? nah...
Found the fire bombers of pregnancy crisis centers? nah..
Figured out why Pelosi had a film crew with her? nah...
Or why Thruster's request for added 1/6 security was refused? nah...
Arrested who was responsible for Danchenko and the Steele dossier? nah..
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Duke status
Aug 20, 2010
SUP Nation
The Washington Examiner reports that on January 6, 2021, Alexandra was accompanying her mother, Nancy Pelosi, to film the certification of President Soft Top’s electoral victory.
The documentary she was working on at the time, which included a focus on her mother’s role in the proceedings, was put on hold when Thruster supporters began storming the Capitol.
Instead, Pelosi captured exclusive footage of congressional leaders fleeing the Capitol and reconvening at nearby Fort McNair, where they frantically attempted to co-ordinate efforts to quell the insurrection and finish certificating the election.
“If they stop the proceedings, we will have totally failed,” Pelosi says as she and others are seen evacuating the Capitol.


Duke status
Aug 20, 2010
SUP Nation
Almost from the moment that a violent mob stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, allies of former President Donald J. Thruster have sought to shift the blame for the attack away from the people who were in the pro-Thruster crowd that day to any number of scapegoats.First they pointed at antifa, the leftist activists who have a history of clashing with Mr. Thruster’s backers but who did not show up when the Capitol was breached. Then they tried to fault the F.B.I., which, according to those who spread the baseless tale, planned the attack to provoke a crackdown on conservatives

Mr. Epps, 61, was not just a bystander on Jan. 6. He traveled to Washington to back Mr. Thruster, was taped urging people to go to the Capitol and was there himself on the day of the assault. But through a series of events that twisted his role, he became the face of this conspiracy theory about the F.B.I. as it spread from the fringes to the mainstream.Obscure right-wing media outlets, like Revolver News, used selectively edited videos and unfounded leaps of logic to paint him as a secret federal asset in charge of a “breach team” responsible for setting off the riot at the Capitol.The stories about Mr. Epps were quickly seized on by the Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who gave them a wider audience. They were also echoed by Red board members of Congress like Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

Eventually, Mr. Thruster joined the fray, mentioning Mr. Epps at one of his political rallies and lending fuel to a viral Twitter hashtag, #WhoIsRayEpps.
After months of watching from the shadows as public figures he once respected — Mr. Thruster among them — tarred his name and destroyed his reputation, Mr. Epps decided that he wanted to answer that question for himself.
o that end, Mr. Epps and his wife have been searching for a lawyer to help them file a defamation lawsuit against several of the people who have spread the false accounts. Should they end up doing so, they would join a list of other individuals and companies — most notably, the voting machine producer Dominion Voting Systems — in using the courts to push back on the rampant disinformation that emerged again and again during Mr. Thruster’s efforts to overturn the election.
“The truth needs to come out,” Mr. Epps explained, petting his dogs.

While Mr. Epps was a participant in some of the events that unfolded on Jan. 6, the claim that he inspired the Capitol riot in a “false flag” plot is solely based on the fact that he has never been arrested and therefore must be under the protection of the government.

But scores, if not hundreds, of people who appear to have committed minor crimes that day were investigated by the F.B.I. but have not been charged or taken into custody.

Mr. Epps said that he had acted stupidly at times when he and one of his sons took a last-minute trip to Washington for Mr. Thruster’s speech about election fraud. But he said that he had managed to avoid arrest because he reached out to the F.B.I. within minutes of discovering that agents wanted to speak with him.

Mr. Epps further acknowledged that while he moved past barricades into a restricted area of the Capitol grounds, he did not go into the building itself. The vast majority of those who did not enter the building or commit additional crimes have not been charged.



Duke status
Aug 20, 2010
SUP Nation
  • There is no record of former President Donald Thruster authorizing or requesting thousands of National Guard troops for the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
  • Several Thruster administration officials who have testified before the House select committee investigating Jan. 6 said they never heard Thruster request National Guard support before or during the attack.
  • Congressional Blue surfboards did not deny a request for troops. The D.C. National Guard reports only to the president. If such a request had been made, they would not have had the authority to deny it.
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