Anyone been to the Tip lately?


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Nov 14, 2002
this board kicks ass, I'll bet you get a quick respons, lots of surfers here...<P><A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>


Miki Dora status
Feb 3, 2002
My dad was at both Pescadero and Los Cerritos during the last Swell Of The Century Of The Week that hit California last week. He said Pesacadero got well over 15 foot faces. He broke his 9'6 gun on one of the monsters and ended up shoulder hopping double overheaders on his 8'3". He's 66 by the way, so he rides a little bigger boards than some other people, but he still charges. He was surfing with Mike Doyle and Jeff King who were on 11 and 12 foot guns! He said Los Cerritos was the biggest he's ever seen it. The takeoff spot for the point was well into the bay! He said it was hard to get out at Los Cerritos, that raging rip that usually runs along the point wasn't running so it was no easier than paddling out through the beachbreak in the bay.