
Michael Peterson status
Oct 7, 2020
Whoever made that video did a sick ass job.

Filipe's section with Chippa - wow!
Tara's section on that yellow board - wow!
Bobby's section... small but damn - makes you wanna get a Bobby Quad.
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Billy Hamilton status
Jun 27, 2019
Whoever made that video did a sick ass job.

Filipe's section with Chippa - wow!
Tara's section on that yellow board - wow!
Bobby's section... small but damn - makes you wanna get a Bobby Quad.
The Ozzies were charging too. I’ve never seen Chippa in heavy waves like that. Insane.

whole video was great. Made me want to move to the country and tinker on old trucks too.
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Miki Dora status
Jun 10, 2003
I've watched this and Maps to Nowhere today and would've never expected the Philippines to be featured in both haha
I would love to have enough funds and time to explore the Philippines, a boat would be ideal. I've been to siargao, and flying in there just seems like so much potential. So fickle though. Same with the the east coast of Panama all the way to Guyana, it's fickle too and a boat would be ideal.


Legend (inyourownmind)
Nov 8, 2019
I would love to have enough funds and time to explore the Philippines, a boat would be ideal. I've been to siargao, and flying in there just seems like so much potential. So fickle though. Same with the the east coast of Panama all the way to Guyana, it's fickle too and a boat would be ideal.
Yeah I went a few times when I was younger (I was also a way worse surfer).

I ended up surfing here on an old 7ft HaydenShapes mini-gun, as it was the only board I could get my hands on. I didn't have boards with me as I didn't think it would really pick up swell. Decently long paddle out and I was lucky not to end up on the shelf. I think it was about chest to head high the best day I surfed it.


Nep status
Jul 31, 2016
Just watched it and enjoyed it. Different from your typical surf flick. I’ve never really cared for CW’s surfing, so I’ve never paid him much attention. But after watching this, I like his vibe (low key, laid back, etc.) and actually liked his surfing in the slab part and the Bobby part when he wasn’t trying to force some crazy ass whirlybird.

Side note: now I want to try a Booby Quad


Michael Peterson status
Dec 1, 2008
The Bobby section cracked me up. Bobby drove to Oxnard from Santa Barbara: 45 minutes. You know they checked some other spots, hoping. Add another 40-45 minutes. They end up surfing at Emma Wood, about 20-25 minutes from SB. In other words, could've been in the water an hour earlier, at least.

Not that they're tied to the clock, like most of us.

We've ALL done it. The loop of shame. Made me smile.

Aside: That Chippa Wilson must be really short. Bobby looked like he towered over him.