Yuri figured out he's actually goofyfooted...


Nep status
Mar 10, 2011
For the benefit of the Mongcurious amongst us.

I spent 3 months flying in the Gobi 15 years ago. My first overseas trip.

First night In Ulan Battar….My crew was another Aussie, a Welshman and an Irishman. There would obviosly be a drinking problem.

Airport to pub to British consulate for drinks (don’t know how or why). Off to an English pub that was closing down, so it was a shut in. Jet lagged, sweaty, drunk and and a few more beers down, I draw a smiley face on my nutsack and stand on the bar while squeezing it to produce a broad smile. Of couse the guys a came with thought it was hilarious. The owners wife though….she kicked me UP several sets of stairs and ejected my in to the freezing night.

Next stop the hotel bar. Very shitfaced at this stage im approached by a woman who whispers such inflammatory Monglish smut in my ear, that I have no choice but to take her up to my room. She weighs 40kg. Somehow she throws me around like a Guido flipping pizza dough.

The next two or so hours are a blur, but she fvcking defiled me. That night, I was the chick.
When she kissed me good night, I remembered where her tongue had been. She didn’t even pay me.

About two hours later I’m boarding a steam train for an 8 hour ride south. My mind is a troubled mix of shame and arousal. So many questions….am I gay? Is yellow fever a crime? Why didn’t I get her number?

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
50 shades of dickens!


Nep status
Jul 6, 2008
I'm so confused - is this a Pride-month trans-stance thing and he had left/right leg reassignment surgery? Was his videos always reverse before, or is it reversed now.

Reality is bending, there are Mongolians in the system

I like what that guy is saying but man, some people are putting him through the wringer. Funny stuff. At his expense. but still funny.