Actually no one is behaving that way. No one said myocarditis is not a known (and rare) side effect of the vaccine. But your OP insinuated that the football player's situation was due to the vaccine...without presenting a shred of evidence. Not a single shred. Then I post documented evidence of other causes of sudden deaths of young athletes (one of which I have) and you react with RFLOL. How unusual.
I understand covid vaccine hesitancy. It's like me with Lasik. I know there's only a 0.3% chance of complications ...but what if I'm in that 0.3%???? I'm Fukt.
The chances of getting myocarditis is 0.00103479398%.
"Among 192 405 448 persons receiving a total of 354 100 845 mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines during the study period, there were 1991 reports of myocarditis to VAERS and 1626 of these reports met the case definition of myocarditis."
For males age 16-21 it's higher. 0.018%.
There is always a risk/benefit analysis to make.
"In an
JAMA Cardiology Editor Ann Marie Navar, MD, PhD, of the University of Texas, and Deputy Editor Robert Bonow, MD, of Northwestern University, said that the risk of COVID vaccine-related myocarditis is low and outweighed by the benefits of vaccination.
"At the individual level, immunization prevents not only COVID-19–related myocarditis but also severe disease, hospitalization, long-term complications after COVID-19 infection, and death," they wrote.
"At the population level, immunization helps to decrease community spread, decrease the chances of new variants emerging, protect people who are immunocompromised, and ensure how health care system can continue to provide for our communities."
Oh, and there is this-
The overall risk of myocarditis was higher immediately after being infected with COVID-19 than in the weeks after vaccination for the coronavirus, new research shows.