Who's working? Who's not?


Duke status
May 11, 2009
in the bathroom
I drive. Office mate takes the train. I’m working on getting a work space where I’ll be isolated from most people. Friend told me it’s a ghost town. I figure it may be safer to be at work now while everyone is at home. Disability has crossed my mind but seems drastic and job security is important right now. I feel that’s not a good path to go down.
Didn’t you say you had vacation days? Job security is important right now no doubt.

why not have a talk with office mate about changing his situation for the betterment of both of you?
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Phil Edwards status
Oct 19, 2007
Didn’t you say you had vacation days? Job security is important right now no doubt.

why not have a talk with office mate about changing his situation for the betterment of both of you?
I can avoid him completely. The fear isn’t just him. Yeah, I’m trying to decide how much vacation I want to burn.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
My friend's son is a waiter, not working, but immediately got hired as a delivery driver for another establishment.
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Bob Dobbalina

Miki Dora status
Feb 23, 2016
I'm working from home.

The directive from my school district was basically "Take 3 weeks to get caught up on grading, prepare for the possibility of moving to a distance learning model, communicate with students, post support materials, but don't assign any work for credit. Stay in contact and answer any/all emails".

It feels like it was a good call. My fiance's district tried to pivot straight to Distance Learning and it was a sh!t show.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
I'm working from home.

The directive from my school district was basically "Take 3 weeks to get caught up on grading, prepare for the possibility of moving to a distance learning model, communicate with students, post support materials, but don't assign any work for credit. Stay in contact and answer any/all emails".

It feels like it was a good call. My fiance's district tried to pivot straight to Distance Learning and it was a sh!t show.
In the LAUSD when preparing our distance learning lessons (we had 24 hours) we were instructed by our principal to "keep it old school" because a lot of our students are tech challenged. I have a graphic design class and we do everything online, but a good percentage of my students don't have a computer at home. They all have phones, but the programs we use won't run on phones or iPads.


Miki Dora status
Jun 3, 2004
I'm dreading these up coming payouts.
Just like that auto rebate after 2008
and tax refunds
there's so much impersonation fraud that happens
and then you end up with all the desperates looking for their "checks"
It's going to be a mess.
The government never really thinks out the logistics of these grandiose plans

dems are partially right about being concerned (which used to be a republican tactic) that unless they structure this out it's only going to find a way for the bulk to go to those at the top and a free for all at the bottom. Kind of like keeping the hundreds in your pocket while you fling a bunch of ones to the crowd.


Phil Edwards status
Jan 22, 2005
we were told to be careful of language b/c we're still not sure if it's legal to hold students accountable for their work (i.e. can't give grades for this at home work).

feel very fortunate to still get paid. many people aren't.


Gerry Lopez status
Feb 11, 2003
Bay Area
Visit site
I'm dreading these up coming payouts.
Just like that auto rebate after 2008
and tax refunds
there's so much impersonation fraud that happens
and then you end up with all the desperates looking for their "checks"
It's going to be a mess.
The government never really thinks out the logistics of these grandiose plans

dems are partially right about being concerned (which used to be a republican tactic) that unless they structure this out it's only going to find a way for the bulk to go to those at the top and a free for all at the bottom. Kind of like keeping the hundreds in your pocket while you fling a bunch of ones to the crowd.
We may something in common

I’ve been in technology for V the last 25 years.

Systems are all locked down in control period protocol

I’m definitely still working, and watching CV developments closely as it’s going to influence an overseas deployment I’m managing

Sister-in-law is a nurse at a local hospital, and all the stories enforce what Fauci and others are saying... particularly on-premises testing missing


Phil Edwards status
Apr 11, 2005
My biz travel related.
week #2 of zilch.
Same with my wife, she's a travel agent that has a very robust client base, UCSB, Chumash Casino, Cottage Hospital plus all of her leisure clients.
ALL dried up. It will come back and thankfully have a rainy day stash in the bank and I'm still working.
Had to cancel our Ireland trip next month and maybe have to bow out on our annual Alaska trip in September.
Dark days indeed.


Duke status
Apr 22, 2001
South coast OR
Already mentioned my work sitch, and still plugging away.

Wife is semi-retired and works part time for Welk Resorts in Escondido.

She used to be a senior buyer in the electronics/computer industry at the top of her profession. But after a layoff years back around the time O'care rolled out, she had a really hard time finding a job with similar pay due to her age. No one was hiring people 55 and over anymore, due to high insurance costs, no matter how great your skills. A few temp positions worked out, but no benny's. They strung her along, year or 2 sometimes, and didn't want to commit to pulling her in perm.

So now, she's a part-time day auditor for the entire Welk Resort chain in the USA/international. She only works 3 days a week, 8 hrs a day, and wants to keep it that way. She never liked accounting, but is taking it as a challenge, learning that field more. She's making a fraction of what she used to, but accepting it. Part time, very early AM has it's perks. She still has her horse, so she's doing what she can to keep that going. It's her livelyhood.

Well, as of last Friday, the CEO announced 50% company wide layoffs in all USA resorts. Mostly "non-essentials". But, oddly, she's considered "essential" due to her dept. handling all USA receipts from assorted resort activities. The resorts are WAY down on activities, but still some bare minimum food and shops open at each. So, for now, they're keeping her coming in. She's been almost by herself upstairs back-office anyway lately, so "social distancing" is a non-issue.

I was sure she would be let go, if it got to this point with layoffs. And it still might happen if it gets worse. Wouldn't bother me if she did get let go, we can handle it. But she's trying to supplement income to do the horse stuff (showing) she likes. Even her horse showing events are all getting canceled well into late April. So we're saving some $$ there (phew!).

We'll see. At least I'm still busy, as long as my customers stay in business, I have work "promised" into the next couple quarters, at least.

But if this forced to "not work" keeps going for months on end. We'll be seeing a Great Depression that might make my parents as kids version (1929 crash into most of 1930's) look like a cake walk. Visions of Our Gang for our kids now.

Americans are geared to WORK thru adversity and challenges. Being told to cower in fear and NOT work/earn a living is against our grain and depressing for most. It will kill our economy for years, if we let it.
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
The reports are that the truckers are getting supplies to the stores. People are stocking the shelves all night and letting older people shop first. Carnival cruise line told Trump “We can match those big Navy Hospital ships, Comfort and Mercy, with some fully staffed cruise ships!” GM said, “Hold our cars-watch this-we can make those ventilators where we were making cars, starting next week!” Restaurants said, “Mmmm, we have kitchens and staff -we can feed kids and nursing homes!” NBA basketball players said, “Hold our basketballs while we write checks to pay the arena staff!” Construction companies said, “Here are some masks for the medical staff and doctors!” You have two Democrat Governors who have fought with a Republican President for three and half years, putting aside differences and working for the American people.

I think a Japanese admiral in the middle of the Pacific said it best in 1941, "I think we have awakened a sleeping giant."

Give us a few more weeks and we will be doing much better

Copied from another post.


Miki Dora status
Jun 3, 2004
funny in that after forty plus years of busting my ass for the "man" i was looking forward to retirement soon but like those who got their ass*s kicked in 2008 I may have to wait another decade or so but I hope not.
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
My wife kind of wants to drive to Indy to hang with her sister for a couple of weeks while I am in manic over amped “save the business” Mode, which we will be for at least several weeks. at first I was like “ you wouldn’t abandon me in the middle of my most Stressful time, trying to salavage a modest 2020 and ride out the storm.“ But now I am thinking, I could use the two week alone to rant and rave and be full on hardcore business-subway in the privacy and seclusion of my modestly beautiful beach home. She takes the dogs and shelters in place with sis for a couple weeks, and I am just free to damn the torpedoes and be as nuclear as I please, and be as wound up and highly effective in making the best I can out of this sh!t storm. I think i will pull a 180 and telll her “ go, go, you’re sister is lonely, her cats about to die, I’m loud as fuck in this hopefully short term business debacle. Blast all the music I want, she isnt sequestered in our little yoga/peloton studio. Maybe I could use two weeks myself. If there is nobody there to talk to, then I won’t rant and rave and joke and vent etc. I’ll just get sh!t done and hopefully have a modestly decent year despite it all. It’s exhausting being me in normal times. Right now? off the charts. but that same manic energy makes me very good at what I do And is already bearing fruit in this horrible environment


Michael Peterson status
Aug 13, 2015
Im unemployed right now and worried the job market is going to be crazy when I do return to it at the end of the year.

I got the Military reserves though to float me a little and my wife works in a good job.

I feel very lucky because it will be much much worst for others.


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
funny in that after forty plus years of busting my ass for the "man" i was looking forward to retirement soon but like those who got their ass*s kicked in 2008 I may have to wait another decade or so but I hope not.
yeah my boss/mentor, who has made millions in his decades of media sales and management, was going to retire in 2 years. Now he is thinking 5-7 years, after the beatings


Kelly Slater status
Oct 17, 2007
valley purgatory
on week 3 of working from my home, my company got ahead of this.

Already seeing this cripple friends who own small businesses or work in jobs/industries that have stopped.

My girl works in LE and is dealing with Karens calling in groups of more than 10 all day long. Last week a car dealership was calling people saying they are open and to come on down.

Lots of businesses staying open because if they dont they go belly up.