What to do with a stack of old Playboys?


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
Take a Playboy whenever you go on a Baja road trip. Late '70s we got pulled over by some Federales at K55 once and they hassled the sh!t out of us and one guy grabbed his gun when they found an old pipe under the seat. No weed, just the pipe. We were shitting bricks but then they found an old Playboy (the driver kept his car in a perpetual state of filth), so they forgot all about us and took the mag and let us go. We were out of there so fast!
So this must have been a known deal? I remember a friend of mine brought a bag of Playboys on a trip to Abreojos and we got stuck in the mud flats north of the town and paid the guys who helped get us out with Playboys. Later that same trip we bought the biggest lobster I've ever seen from a fisherman for a couple old Playboys. It was like having gold.
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Phil Edwards status
Jan 14, 2002
Before the Internet only freaks and societal outcasts used porn on the regular.

That should tell you an awful lot.
But that's not true. My friends' dad's used to give them the magazines and these were regular Joes, slightly more Puritan than that in a few cases.
However, someone evidently would go into the Hallmark store owned, run and frequented by old ladies and have to ask for Barely Legal, Golden Shower or whatever their thing was because it was kept behind the counter so that drunk kid wouldn't steal it.

One thing about internet porn, female consumers came out of the woodwork and it's much less taboo or it would seem that way.
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Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
leave them in the woods in a paper bag
That was Hustler or Swank that we used to find in the woods.
You forgot Oui bro.

As a kid without much moolah, I would go through the trashcan at the coin-op car wash. For the youngins, you know, put in 25 cents, the spray gun or foam brush starts and runs for 5 minutes and you race to clean the car. Next to the car wash station was the vacuum cleaners and trash cans.

Anyway, you'd go through the trash to find 2 cent brown glass beer bottles, 5 cent cans, and 10 cent 16 oz Coke bottles, put them in a bag, then to Safeway for the return value.

Imagine my surprise finding skin magazines by the vacuum machines. I would be so embarrassed, I'd leave them there. When I mentioned the find to my friend (this guy...RIP), at least I think I am remembering it correctly, he says something about how we can sell pages to other kids for better than bottle return money.

So we go back with visions of a dollar bill per page levels of income....and the magazines are gone. But the idea is planted, and every time I'd go looking for bottles/cans to return, would look for the naked lady magazines.

I guess I had gotten lucky finding them the first time, I rarely found them on subsequent visits, or when I did, well, rainy Oregon weather and open trash cans, pretty much ruined them quickly. When I did find one a few months later, I hid it in the garden shed under the mower, which I promptly forgot about until dear old dad found it a following week or two later on a Saturday morning. I don't know how everyone in the house knew it was "mine" when dad tromped inside while we were watching cartoons and asked who this belonged to....all my sisters pointed right at me, saying, "His!"

You know, years later, when dear old dad asked me if there was anything I would like to know about anything, I should have asked him about his motivations for doing this....but alas, wasn't till this thread and Random Guy's post that I remembered. Oh well, opportunity lost, I guess.
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Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
Back in High school we used them as wallpaper in our rooms at home,one wall was all surfing, Another was all playboy and hustler, Another was skateboarding and BMX!Our parents didnt give a sh!t,My Dad thought it was cool.My Mom was more worried about what happens when take it all down. :cheers: :beer: :roflmao:
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Put them on Craiglist.
Hmmmm...a pile of free Playboys...super sketchy.

I'm betting it's a trap.

Unsuspecting fool goes to pick up mags.
It's already weird cause you're an adult male picking up jack off mags from another adult male (not like middle school).
Guy with the mags is like "Hey, take 'em and enjoy...but before you go...think I could pay ya to watch ya jack off to those?"

100 bucks says it plays out just like that. Need to send out an erBB scout...@Havoc this is your neck of the woods right?

Your Moms Dildo

Michael Peterson status
Jan 17, 2014
Next to the Lube
Hmmmm...a pile of free Playboys...super sketchy.

I'm betting it's a trap.

Unsuspecting fool goes to pick up mags.
It's already weird cause you're an adult male picking up jack off mags from another adult male (not like middle school).
Guy with the mags is like "Hey, take 'em and enjoy...but before you go...think I could pay ya to watch ya jack off to those?"

100 bucks says it plays out just like that. Need to send out an erBB scout...@Havoc this is your neck of the woods right?
Plot twist...It's Havoc giving away porn mags..
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