What to do with a stack of old Playboys?


Duke status
Apr 8, 2006
Take a Playboy whenever you go on a Baja road trip. Late '70s we got pulled over by some Federales at K55 once and they hassled the sh!t out of us and one guy grabbed his gun when they found an old pipe under the seat. No weed, just the pipe. We were shitting bricks but then they found an old Playboy (the driver kept his car in a perpetual state of filth), so they forgot all about us and took the mag and let us go. We were out of there so fast!


Gerry Lopez status
Feb 28, 2021
Take a Playboy whenever you go on a Baja road trip. Late '70s we got pulled over by some Federales at K55 once and they hassled the sh!t out of us and one guy grabbed his gun when they found an old pipe under the seat. No weed, just the pipe. We were shitting bricks but then they found an old Playboy (the driver kept his car in a perpetual state of filth), so they forgot all about us and took the mag and let us go. We were out of there so fast!
pictures of boobs n muff....the only true international currency