What is the current GOP platform?


Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois
GromsDad said:
hal9000 said:
Small government? Reducing taxes? Lowering the deficit?
Are these bad things?
No, but what IS the GOP platform. The last year and a half has consisted of protecting Trump, trying to start a new branch of military, increasing the deficit, destroying diplomatic relations, ignoring national security threats (Russian meddling), putting Latin Americans in cages, and covering up their corruption.


Phil Edwards status
Sep 9, 2013
Santa Barbara County
The current GOP policy is to be the biggest ass hole you can possibly be, to all your allies, while courting your enemies in order to take more from your allies.

It is schoolgirl at its worst. I make my boyfriend jealous, so he will spend more on me.

Mix that with a big scoop of "Whites are better than everyone/ Blacks are 3/5 human" and you have it in a nutshell.