"We'll walk right into your home," she said...


Phil Edwards status
May 21, 2002
Hell Cajon, Ca
The context of the clip is more that they wanted to be sure big wave boars were properly stored, and not just lying around for some kid to grab.

But that seems like an “unreasonable search…” situation.
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Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
Dems are running on an anti-Bill of Rights platform...

1st amendment - favor policies that clearly violate it.
2nd - obviously against it.
3rd - Well they haven't asked us to house soldiers, yet.
4th - See the OP.
5th - Once they turn they turn their lawfare techniques on the general public...
6th - A bunch of J6 protesters are still rotting in jail without trial.
7th - so far we're ok here.
8th - See 6th.
9th - ok
10th - They hate state's rights (abortion).

They have a candidate that did not go through the primary process and won't talk any non-friendly press. They are trying to put their political opponent in prison (and likely involved in worse).

Yet they claim to be saving democracy and nearly half the voters are eating it up. Wild.


Michael Peterson status
Jun 27, 2019
Dems are running on an anti-Bill of Rights platform...

1st amendment - favor policies that clearly violate it.
2nd - obviously against it.
3rd - Well they haven't asked us to house soldiers, yet.
4th - See the OP.
5th - Once they turn they turn their lawfare techniques on the general public...
6th - A bunch of J6 protesters are still rotting in jail without trial.
7th - so far we're ok here.
8th - See 6th.
9th - ok
10th - They hate state's rights (abortion).

They have a candidate that did not go through the primary process and won't talk any non-friendly press. They are trying to put their political opponent in prison (and likely involved in worse).

Yet they claim to be saving democracy and nearly half the voters are eating it up. Wild.
Holy hyperbole, duffman!
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Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
I'll plead the fifth while I still can!
And there you have it....

You know everything I said is spot on. The dems are doing a full frontal attack on our rights and you can't defend it. You look the other way because because you hate orange man so much that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

All I'd like for you to do is when a dem proposes that the government take on a new power like regulating parodies...

...ask yourself this, "would I be ok with this when republicans are in charge and get to decide who gets punished using this power?"

Walz has said (very recently) that "hate speech" is not protected by 1a. Hillary just said a couple days ago that people who put out "misinformation" should be prosecuted.

Who decides what is "hate speech" and "misinformation ? Whoever is in charge, that's who. Will you be ok with this when Orange man is president and puts Don Jr. in charge of determining what is hate speech and misinformation and who gets prosecuted for it?

Would you be ok with that?