It's hard to accept gluten is causing health issues. Took years of convincing me while I was sluggish, slow, fat and my eczema and then psoriasis were flaring up. Hard to give up beer and bread. Going GF was one of the best things I have ever done for my health.
You know what the best thing was? Starting testosterone optimization. Not TRT. Enclomiphene Citrate. It is an estrogen blocker that allows your testosterone to rise naturally. Been on it since late August of last year. What a difference in all aspects of my life and health. When I had my 50 year old health wake up call in late 2020 I got my testosterone tested and it was low. First test was 466 but then the next year after losing 20 lbs, lifting weights, cutting booze by 75% it fucking dropped to 306. Terrible. I got it up to 336 the next year. When I started taking the sleep supplements, inositol, glycine and magnesium glycinate, I got tested again like 4 months later and it shot up to almost 500. Sleep is everything to testosterone production. I wanted more. I asked my urologist about Enclomiphene Citrate and he said my testosterone was way too high to bill my insurance but it works for most and there are very few side effects. It does not cause hair loss or ball shrinkage like TRT. He said go for it. I just got to Delaware in late August and had an epic run of surf. Immediately noticed a difference in energy level surfing. I was surfing 4 hours every morning and no fatigue the next day. Just on fire. Wave count up. Paddle power. Surfed 11 of the 15 days I was there. I lift harder and longer, can crush it on my bike and my sex drive and performance are as good as my 20s. I can fuck as many times a day as they can handle it. When I wake up to **** in the middle of the night I am so hard I have to sit and tuck my dick inside the bowl so I dont **** everywhere. Morning wood is as good as ever. I barely touch my dick and its hard. My new GF that is 20 years younger than me is like damn, again? I just got tested again and I was at 775. If you are hitting your 50s and want to improve your health, energy, strength and stamina, this could be a good option. I am paying $125 a month through Nuimage medical. Worth every cent. I feel fucking amazing.