Traveling to cuba?

have any of you been to cuba for anything? i found a way to get in "legally" well sort of. i was going to go down to my house in the bahamas and then fly out of there into cuba. not have the customs in cuba stamp my passport only my travel card (which they will take up when i leave). my question is this. do the cubans care that im american? i know that the citizens will but will the government? will i get arrested for doing something illegal? i know i can get in trouble if i get caught back in the states but im just worried about while im in cuba. i know most of you are just going to say "to dangerous and not worth the surf" but i really want to do it.
Nov 8, 2004
I've been to Cuba, just Havana actually. I went on a "cultural exchange" trip that was actually ok'd by the US. We had a group license to go there legally, arranged by an organization called Global Exchange.

The Cubans are happy to have you come and even happier to take your US dollars. I met some Americans when I was there who had come in thru Mexico (illegally) and had no problems. The main thing to keep in mind is that the US has no diplomatic relations with Cuba, so you pay cash for everything, no credit cards,no phone or mail to the US and no embassy so stay out of trouble.

The people there are super cool and love to hang out, drink, talk a lot and smoke cigars.
Sep 13, 2004
Another very easy way to go to Cuba is to fly to Toronto or Montreal in Canada. 1000's of Canadian's go to Cuba every week. There are always cheap chartered flights and cheap package vacations. Go to and look up a travel agency in Toronto.

Have fun - but bring Euros not US dollars. New Cuban laws require you to pay a 10 or 20% commission to change USD to pesos while there is no commission on changing Euros to Pesos.