Tomo MPH


Michael Peterson status
Feb 22, 2014
Caveat: I have a brain.
I won't be buying one.
I live in Australia so xtr from USA is a no brainer.
I live in Asia. A Firewire board takes 3 months to get here for some ridiculous reason. I can get a custom XTR in about 6-7 weeks. Just got suck it up and pay that shipping fee, but they last so much longer than FW, so it's worth it.

Caveat: I only sometimes have a brain (small one).


OTF status
Jan 23, 2019
I’ve had good luck with Firewire’s boards (except for the Timbertek), but I’m also surfing mushy California waves. Had an Omni in LFT and Helium Evo. Both were fun and held up well.


Miki Dora status
Oct 22, 2004
I like the way the Firewire's LFT's feel and surf, they feel pretty normal. My only problems with both the Tomo and the firewires is that they call unwanted attention. I don't like the way either look, but I'd rather feel good surfing than look good holding them.

might have to just paint them like Deforest does.


Michael Peterson status
Apr 21, 2018
I really want that new hydroshort, but only if it comes with full spray job. Can't handle British-yellow-teeth colour they go in 2 months of owning them.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise
He said they don’t yellow “like PU”.

They yellow, just not in the same way as PU. They yellow faster and have a different hue than PU.

See, he was telling the truth.

haha. price also said it is cheaper and more ecological to send boards by freighter ship insteadof truckan. moran didnt realize they need to transport themby truck after they land at the port.


Michael Peterson status
May 14, 2005
Just saw Noel Salsa post him and Tomo doing Hydroshoar reviewz, Deforest get in here!

The red one he posted was mental, I believe the parallel cabron XTR (as cool as it is they are never seem to get it symmetrical and that turns me off of ordering)


Nep status
Nov 1, 2016
Just saw Noel Salsa post him and Tomo doing Hydroshoar reviewz, Deforest get in here!

The red one he posted was mental, I believe the parallel cabron XTR (as cool as it is they are never seem to get it symmetrical and that turns me off of ordering)
Haha. Would be sick to have a little clip or something in there. But ill leave all that to the pros!

My custom XTR was a 5'5" and felt perfecto. But Firewire has the stock 5'5" Hydroshort at 24.1L, which is a little on the low side for volume. I talked to Tomo and he said he's been riding the 5'6" and even the 5'7" at times -- stock dims. He said he likes a little more foam now-a-dayz. Im gonna try the 5'5" and see how that feels. 5'6" might be money tho.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
OK, WTF is up with the fullsuits when the water is 75 and the air is 85?

I was literally sweating in my shorty the other day and Salsa was running around in a fullsuit.

What do you guys wear when the water is actually cold?

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Spending time with Tomo has been epic and he will be joining us for the review!! Stay tuned for shots and some video clips of Tomo and I putting the Hydroshort through the paces. @tomo_surfboards @firewiresurfboards @futuresfins @fcs_surf @thesurfstation @JACKSsurfboards @surfontario</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by <a href=";utm_campaign=loading" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;" target="_blank"> Noel Salas</a> (@surf_n_show) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2019-09-06T20:38:39+00:00">Sep 6, 2019 at 1:38pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>
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Tom Curren status
Feb 22, 2005
Central California
so any1 try the hydroshoe yet? is it like a psycho with a squatch tail?
It's a hydroshort with a squash tail. Not sure if the rocker was originally based off the V4 or something different, but it's probably evolved a bit from the early models.

They claim a 1-5ft wave range on the new ones, which definitely wasn't the sweet spot for the old ones. Mine was best in 4-6ft.

Deforest, you're probably one of the few that has ridden both. Is the newer version tuned better for smaller waves?


Nep status
Nov 1, 2016
It's a hydroshort with a squash tail. Not sure if the rocker was originally based off the V4 or something different, but it's probably evolved a bit from the early models.

They claim a 1-5ft wave range on the new ones, which definitely wasn't the sweet spot for the old ones. Mine was best in 4-6ft.

Deforest, you're probably one of the few that has ridden both. Is the newer version tuned better for smaller waves?
It kind of is actually... I've laid my hands on, and ridden, the new Hydroshort Helium and the rocker looks a lot like the Scifi... so I think it handles small wave conditions well. This board is meant to be small wave/everyday HPSB. "Small wave performance" and "groveler" are different... Hydroshort is a small wave HPSB/ Daily Rider.

I think the Hydroshort and Hydronaut are a package deal too. Hydroshort = 1-5ft/ Hydronaut 5-12ft (DOH). Which is why it was given that range (IMO).

I personally can attest that I've, probably, done one of the best turn of my life on the Hydroshort in 2-3ft surf. It was about waist high surf and mushy and the thing just turned on a dime.

Last edited:


Phil Edwards status
Sep 11, 2017
San Diego, CA
Yeah, I assume they had to have (at least) changed the rocker if it was originally meant to be a mini-stepup for punchy waves (when it was offered through XTR) a couple years ago and it's now is called a HPSB for 1-5'.
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