*** The Official Wildland FIRE Thread ***


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
kind of weird to think about...

if my kid gets hurt doing a prescribed burn, the federal government won't pay for his medical bills but if i can get the local sheriff to arrest him for reckless burning maybe the prison system will?



Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
Eastern Oregon is wild, man. Remember in 2016 when that right wing militia took over the Malheur wildlife refuge headquarters? There was a whole interesting story to that incident which I believe was sparked (sorry) by some ranchers being convicted and sentenced to prison for intentionally burning federal land.

They took over a building and held it for a while and the whole thing ultimately ended in the car chase and shootout in which at least one of them died, if I recall.

This current incident happened in an adjacent county but culturally it's pretty cohesive over there. Very far right leaning and anti government.
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Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
Of course the 'real' locals who were here for thousands of years knew just how to do it.
Pack up their stuff, move downwind by some water, then let 'er rip? [Edit: I should have tyed 'upwind'. I blame myself for this error and thank crust brother for the correction.]

Anyway, back in the 80s, was out at Borax Lake by the Alvord salt pan....swimming in what is more or less a giant fizzy hotspring.

Day before, walked out a ridge to the Gunsite* (a gap in a ridge) on top of Steens Mt, where there are also these somewhat largish spinx months** (they look like speckled small hummingbirds).

Anyway, towards dusk we start to head back to Burns and decide to stop by the Malheur Wildlife Refuge building and were amazed/irritated by the number of flying insects and then the bats eating said insects. We were feeling both insects and bats brushing against us in the feeding frenzy and beat a hasty retreat to the car.

On the road out of there, in the distance of the yellow hi-beams ('64 Dodge Dart with unkillable underpowered slant 6), there was this ghostly apparition on the side of the road, like some Messianic figure in white. As we got closer, turned out to be a very huge looking white owl (Snowy Owl?) standing on a dead dear, with its wings outstretch and not at all going to be chased off by a pair of headlights. We drove slowly past it, watching it watch us.

Good times.



Took Sweetie-pie there in the 90s on a camping trip. Amazing stars at night, and in the riparian areas, stacks and stacks of very hungry mosquitos.
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Gerry Lopez status
Jun 5, 2010
yeah. i would love to know what's behind it. i don't think its about actual damages. is it just a dick measuring contest between local and federal authorities with the burn boss caught in the cross fire?

my son is watching the case closely when he's not burning piles

View attachment 140741
What a wonderful and fulfilling way for a young man to spend his days. In the forest with his best friends doing meaningful work.
This photo brought a little tear of happiness, remembering back.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
We watched this video recently at an RT130 training...instructive and chilling...er, maybe 'chilling' isn't the right word...

I just got around to watching this. Tragic. Hope none of the erBB firefighters ever have to deal with that. It seems that faillure to deliver the weather update was a big factor. Also, this might be a stupid question- couldn't they do a bucket drop on sheltered firefighters? How long is the response time for the chopper? Also, I imagine now everyone has a gps tracker so you know where they are at all times.


Nep status
Jun 23, 2013
WEST of 101

I just got around to watching this. Tragic. Hope none of the erBB firefighters ever have to deal with that. It seems that faillure to deliver the weather update was a big factor. Also, this might be a stupid question- couldn't they do a bucket drop on sheltered firefighters? How long is the response time for the chopper? Also, I imagine now everyone has a gps tracker so you know where they are at all times.
I'm sure there were a lot of 'what ifs' at the After Action Review on this one and subsequently some changes made...we were on a fire about a month ago and we were putting out over a 1000' of hose in steep terrain and it got dark and man, in such a dynamic environment it's really hard to keep tabs on everone.


Miki Dora status
Apr 15, 2015
Kauai's north shore ~
I'm sure there were a lot of 'what ifs' at the After Action Review on this one and subsequently some changes made...we were on a fire about a month ago and we were putting out over a 1000' of hose in steep terrain and it got dark and man, in such a dynamic environment it's really hard to keep tabs on everyone.
About 330 yards or over 3 football fields ~ plus .... in the dark ~ :foreheadslap:


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
Hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains, the little arroyos are still muddy and some still have water flowing. It's so green and lush right now. August and September????
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Staff member
Apr 1, 2005
Was in the Sierras yesterday. Lakes are at max capacity. Rivers are raging and washing down all kinds of trees/logs/branches and other stuff. Gold mining will probably be really good after water slows.

And thunderstorms rolled in which was awesome. Snow still hanging around down to 5500' level and plenty more high above on the peaks.
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Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
Son sent me this shot of a (sort of) controlled burn his crew did a couple days ago.

Said it was so hot it felt like his face was melting.



Phil Edwards status
Apr 1, 2002
I'm guessing it's gonna be a later season the the past few years, probably pick up in late July/early August, peak in Sept/Oct. Never know though.

Can't believe how much Canada is burning right now. The wife was in upstate NY for a work trip and came back early because they've been getting inundated with the smoke coming south.
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