The Official OBSF Support Group


Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
It's miles of swell magnet that takes care of itself or at least has the current to help spread the crowd out fronting a real city. How does Black's deal with the crowd most days, by the bluff being too steep to e-bike? Porto does it with 1000 yard closeouts feeding 50 people 20 yards of two pumps and a tuck or a float/lip line hit per wave.

What would be an improvement? A reef or point CJ Nelson and every other donkey who can't be bothered to duckdive ruins by dint of their existence?

If OB is an abusive partner, what does that make Lowers? An OnlyFans whore with three hula-hoop sized holes getting constantly plowed by homeschooled zoomers with remote control dildos?

Is Pleasure Point a prostitute that Eunice cut the arms off of with a line of people like a hundred deep, ~85 of whom have paddled out every day this month and maybe gotten half a dozen tittyfucks, most marred by surplus penis?


Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
They are now ebiking it! :)

Also there was someone learning to e-foil out the other day for several hours, the lifeguards did nothing!:cool:
Was their e-foil wake ruining everyone else's wave like the legend(ary kook)s doing waverunner step-offs on the Gold Coast?

OBSF is a down to Earth hot girl at the bar. Will talk to everyone; will deny the weak and the softer playboys.

SF is the best. Surfers are the worst. Surfers like localism when it's some guy who couldn't hack it on a shortboard who sells soft tops and travels around using foam to steal waves from everyone else cataloging his vag leakage on a podcast.

The instant the surf at OB hands out a few slaps and some rando drug addicts scream at people and take a sh!t on their cars, these wokeflake fucking cuck bottom crotchwounds are calling the fucking cops and the SWAT team, crying about it on Fakebook, trading their "grrrl u shud leave him he's abusive" #metoo "my truth" on the erBB, and packing up the one-way Uhaul to head to the hardcore untamed suburbs of fucking Atlanta or Nashville.

Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
1 Got denied on Friday and washed south to Purple Cow (Dave from Wise called this area by this name many years ago).

2 Saturday found me in San Mateo County and despite the crowd, managed to find some rides.

3 Sunday was pressed for time and was beat from previous days and barely made it out at the Beach. Two rides later, only one of which rates a 'woot!', stuck inside for too long and came in before fatigue ruined a chance for a successful pop-up. Nearly fell asleep at luncheon holiday festivities.

Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
^ - I could have paddled out at Beach Chalet (sorry, inside joke from E's site regarding "Chalets" and likely only funny to me) and drifted south.......but no, I am too good for that :p:computer:
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Phil Edwards status
Apr 1, 2002
I think I was out that day....somewhere else.

I surfed OB a couple weeks ago with Barnod, who was in town from Guam. It was well overhead on the sets, a little sidewindy and tough to be in the right position for waves. I got caught inside at one point, lost a handle of my board, and came up with no tension on my leash. Sh!T, I guess my leash snapped.

I turned to look toward the inside to try and spot it, and all of a sudden, my board came shooting out from under water and nailed me in the face. Leash was intact, board was just underwater right next to me. The tail got my lip, and a fin got me in the cheek. Luckily only minor bleeding from my gums and a fat lip.


Michael Peterson status
Oct 22, 2018
SF x Encinitas
Not from this season. Someone in the comments asked: it was December 2020. I got a few on my 8'3 Rusty BB this day. The last legit big day we had this season was 11/26 when a bunch of us got denied. I'm keeping records!