Plenty of action on this topic already gentlemen. While we have to accept that fatty fun boards and soft tops aren't true mid-lengths, lets try to keep an open mind here as the discussion seems to be raging in the community, and should include whatever keeps it interesting .
I guess I've been enjoying my 7' 6" 'funboard' (Lib Tech Pick Up Stick) so much, and think back to 2019 on Maui when I rented a 7' 0" Firewire Submoon (now discontinued) and had some good sessions at various spots, that it just got the ~7' 0" and ~43 - ~46 liters mid length boards on the brain.
Ankles to knees, occasional threes? Dumpy beachbreak? I don't prefer a longboard. And while I’ve learned most midlengths aren’t grovelers at all, they can still work well in certain small conditions.
Softer / Reef waves 3-4+, a groveler can be okay, but extra length will help you catch waves and works on a more open face. Prefer = Midlength.
Any condition around head high + or - that's not too gnarly, a bigger board that can still turn when you get on a good one. Prefer = Midlength.
First on the docket is the ...Lost Smooth Operator. While the similar Crowd Killer is more of a big guy shortboard / pump and rip stick, the Smooth Operator is more of a glider. Into it.
CI Mid
Impulse purchase from Varial coming in hotttt. Should I get the matching fins from CI? Kind of on a weird mid-length kick this year. Liking them for those small weekend sessions when I still want to get in the water but can't justify riding a shortboard bc it's too damn crowded. They're also...

Is it possible to rip on a mid-length?
I've been drinking some mid-length cool-aid lately and ran across this video. I'm amazed!

I guess I've been enjoying my 7' 6" 'funboard' (Lib Tech Pick Up Stick) so much, and think back to 2019 on Maui when I rented a 7' 0" Firewire Submoon (now discontinued) and had some good sessions at various spots, that it just got the ~7' 0" and ~43 - ~46 liters mid length boards on the brain.
Ankles to knees, occasional threes? Dumpy beachbreak? I don't prefer a longboard. And while I’ve learned most midlengths aren’t grovelers at all, they can still work well in certain small conditions.
Softer / Reef waves 3-4+, a groveler can be okay, but extra length will help you catch waves and works on a more open face. Prefer = Midlength.
Any condition around head high + or - that's not too gnarly, a bigger board that can still turn when you get on a good one. Prefer = Midlength.
First on the docket is the ...Lost Smooth Operator. While the similar Crowd Killer is more of a big guy shortboard / pump and rip stick, the Smooth Operator is more of a glider. Into it.
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