Here's what I've learned about suits so far. For the most part suits are the exact same. I've worked in surf retail for around 5 yrs now, this has been off an on but even when not working in it im sponsored by a few different companies, wetsuits being xcel. I've demoed many different suits and gone through clinics for all but body glove, matuse, patagonia, victory and boz. Nearly all big companies have their suits made in the same factory as oneill. I know this for sure applies to quiksilver and im fairly certain billabong as well. I think Xcel also has their suits made sure although I'm not positive on this either. However nearly every suit on the market today shares a factory with at least one other company and often times many more. The main differences are materials used which actually are often the same stuff with different names. As far as the basics, all suits are using pretty much the same glue and liquid seam tape. Exceptions being xcel with their stretchy tape(actual tape) and I can't say anything about patagonia or matuse. Hotline has their own little program which is pretty old school, using less stretchy rubber for durability and not liquid seam taping their seams but taping them with old tape which also increases durability. As far as billabong suits last year, the reps said they did have tons of issues, it was an issue with the glue on the seams and them getting a faulty batch. Suits were already on the market so they decided to basically replace any suits which came back. this year they've supposedly figured it out but platinums will always be incredibly undurable, good news is you're pretty much guranteed a new one if you send it back. Quiksilver is essentially an oneill, that's it. Oneill runs the longest clinic and has the most technologically advanced pamphlet out there, but the truth is the words are all fluff and its the same shiz as is in quiksilver, xcel, billabong etc. Japanese rubber in the matuse and patagonia suits is considered far superior and I'd love to try out one of those. Billabong is saying that with their platinum this year they basically took all the team guys suits, which they get custom made in japan, and tried to incorporate as much as that as possible into a suit that the public could afford. They said straight up the suits aren't too durable but it's for the very top notch guys in the market who want the best. They also said with the platinums is nearly a guranteed new suit with every return. So that's the lowdown and here's my quick picks for suits as well as what im wearing.
Currently wearing
Xcel's(obviously) front zips and back zips, definitely like the front zips way better but i never like back zips.
Probably will buy a billabong platinum soon just to try it out
What i like(all this in short term enjoyment not durability)
Billabong platinum pull over velcro closure
Matuse, seen a few look good
Xcel-super comfortable/warm and fairly durable
Quiksilver-new suits this year are looking really good and reps were most honest about what they copied, what was new and what they used.
Rip Curl- too many models to get a handle on what does what, seems like it's either stretchy or warm and they don't have a suit that does both.
Oneill- oneill suits have always bothered me, i've always thought they've been a little overhyped and underperforming. I've tried a lot but they always felt a little cold and not as flexible as other suits. Furthermore you can't get a straight answer out of any of the reps and you feel like you are always getting fed bullshit. Their clinic lasted 2 hrs basically talking about how their suit/factory was better then anyone elses which is bullshit considering a fair amount of people share that factory with them. Oneill's got the name but is generally not nearly as good as other suits, at least new. I used body gloves a long time back and was never impressed with their quality over time in comparison with other suits. Felt warm the first day and within a week I already felt a substantial difference. I'd really look at patagonias, matuse's, xcels, quiksilvers and billabongs this year as suits to have. the rest are either overpriced or lack the quality of a good top of the line suit, i.e. stretch and warmth