This thread is solely dedicated to stuff that's been time-tested and proven to kick a$$. In other words, the sh!t you're stocked on b/c it's tough and worked better than you could ever hope for. If it's new to you, it doesn't belong here.
i have and use a lot of tools, but i have never used or abused one as hard as this lil fugger.
most mcgyverish sh1t ever invented. if you don't know, you're really missing out (and throwing away perfectly fixable stuff). *note: "household" goop is NOT uv resistant - get this or the "RV" stuff instead.
i treat my outerwear like chris farley treated his hair and spend a great deal of time in it. gore tex sh1t is insanely expensive. this company makes by far the most bomber per $ outerwear i've ever used + their custy cervix is vanguard.
thermoboss price/performance/durability - nuff said.

i have and use a lot of tools, but i have never used or abused one as hard as this lil fugger.

most mcgyverish sh1t ever invented. if you don't know, you're really missing out (and throwing away perfectly fixable stuff). *note: "household" goop is NOT uv resistant - get this or the "RV" stuff instead.

i treat my outerwear like chris farley treated his hair and spend a great deal of time in it. gore tex sh1t is insanely expensive. this company makes by far the most bomber per $ outerwear i've ever used + their custy cervix is vanguard.

thermoboss price/performance/durability - nuff said.