The Economist: Here's what to look forward to in 2020.....


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 4, 2002
san diego, CA
bull is strong. I actually went absurdly overweight risk on in early September and have since taken some profits.


Phil Edwards status
Sep 9, 2013
Santa Barbara County
The economy is not the stock market.

The economy is goods and services being bought and sold.

The stock market is the bid amount that different investors are willing to pay for a portion on a given business. Much of that price is the "greater fool theory", which is the belief that a bigger fool will come along tomorrow and pay more than they did today.

Currently, the stock market is bid high by institutional investors. These investors also know that if things go south, they can sell out before you can. It is two con men, bidding up the price of something, knowing at some point, when they have taken all your money, they will cash out, and leave the little guy holding the over priced asset.

Then when the price crashes, they will come in at the bottom and start the bidding war again