Surfing and cigarettes

Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
A high school friend of mine, smoker since age 14 (grew up in England moved to USA at 16), died at 47 of lung cancer after 3 yrs of experimental treatments.

Then there is dear old dad, smoker since 16, still smoking in his 80s.....his second wife died in her late 60's due to smoking related COPD.

My younger brother has been trying to quit on/off for the last 20 yrs. I just tell him quitting often is better than not quitting at all.

One of the best things about being in Indo. Clove ciggies.

That scent will always remind me of 80s dance clubs and Reena, the one eyed girl (yes, her name was actually Reena, and she had an asymmetrical hairstyle that covered one eye).


Billy Hamilton status
Oct 29, 2020
Location location
Never was a cigarette smoker. Still hate the smell.

I heard tell Roger Erickson used to pass them out in the parking lot at Waimea after huge sessions. Kind of a "we survived" sort of deal I guess. Never saw it myself. Roger's still around. I don't think he actually "smokes" though.

They call them cancer sticks for a reason.

I smoked weed - a sh!t ton of weed - for years, and I love beer. Quit the daily smoking about six months ago (still occasionally partake, maybe once a month?), and have cut down to maybe three beers a week. I have to say, I wish I would have done it sooner. The older you get, the less beer and weed stays your friend if you're still trying to maintain your surf ability. Sad but true.


Michael Peterson status
Jun 1, 2013
I never smoked. Had grandparents from both sides and an uncle die early from daily cigs.

I picked up chewing for a few years when I first joined the military. Terrible habit and it is disgusting. But the buzz was incredible since it goes straight into your blood stream. And when you're just trying to stay awake and make it through some long stressful day then the chew is pretty helpful. lol. I quit cold turkey awhile back. I wish I never started.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
I never smoked. Had grandparents from both sides and an uncle die early from daily cigs.

I picked up chewing for a few years when I first joined the military. Terrible habit and it is disgusting. But the buzz was incredible since it goes straight into your blood stream. And when you're just trying to stay awake and make it through some long stressful day then the chew is pretty helpful. lol. I quit cold turkey awhile back. I wish I never started.
There is no shame in this. The military runs on tobacco and coffee. That's just how it works. Napoleon reportedly used a kg of snuff a day.
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OTF status
Jan 1, 2015
Gave up smoking at 48, was a clear choice either carry on smoking or surfing, at that age the two don't work together. Used to light up after every surf on the drive home, seeing others do that now I cringe. Glad I chose surfing but still like the smell of cigarette smoke. Around 10 years after stopping, the doctor was checking me over with his stethoscope (not a euphemism) then he looked me in the eye and said... "You have the lungs of a non-smoker". That memory still makes me feel good. I feel like I dodged a bullet having smoked from teenage years.


Nep status
Oct 17, 2010
There is no shame in this. The military runs on tobacco and coffee. That's just how it works. Napoleon reportedly used a kg of snuff a day.
When we were out at sea guys would go out on the fantail to have a coffee and a smoke after breakfast. Could never understand how dudes could drink coffee and smoke a cig. I tried it once and almost sh!t my pants.
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Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
When we were out at sea guys would go out on the fantail to have a coffee and a smoke after breakfast. Could never understand how dudes could drink coffee and smoke a cig. I tried it once and almost sh!t my pants.
Because you can;t smoke in the field when training or deployed and we were training or deployed over 2000 days per year nobody smoked.....but Copenhagen tins were everywhere.

Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
I picked up chewing for a few years when I first joined the military.
Playing whiffleball in gradeschool, some kid brought his dad's chew tin out for us all to try.

We didn't know what to do so we more or less scooped a pinkie fingernail of in our mouth and swished it around and then proceeded to spit a whole bunch and run around like dazed chipmunks on Vivarin. Am sure if we smiled, we'd have flecks of it in our teeth like so much blackened spinach.

Later on someone brought their dad's leaf chew and provided some instruction about placement in the mouth.

Oh man, did I get so headspun sick. Lots of laughing till someone else barfed and then I started laughing between gut spasms.

The line between young boy and idiot is so transparent.....


Michael Peterson status
Dec 27, 2019
When we were out at sea guys would go out on the fantail to have a coffee and a smoke after breakfast. Could never understand how dudes could drink coffee and smoke a cig. I tried it once and almost sh!t my pants.
mom never smoked cigs or drank coffee, but i remember her saying not being able to enjoy a smoke and a cup of coffee with her paper in mornng was one of her great disappointments.

just thought it looked so damn good.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
When we were out at sea guys would go out on the fantail to have a coffee and a smoke after breakfast. Could never understand how dudes could drink coffee and smoke a cig. I tried it once and almost sh!t my pants.
Coffee and cigarettes: the breakfast of champions. Frankly, more sailors could stand to forego the breakfast calories on the mess deck and do that instead.


Michael Peterson status
Jun 1, 2013
When we were out at sea guys would go out on the fantail to have a coffee and a smoke after breakfast. Could never understand how dudes could drink coffee and smoke a cig. I tried it once and almost sh!t my pants.
When I was young and dumb I used to drink a lot every Friday and Saturday. I'd wake up early on Saturday to go surf after sleeping three hours and down coffee and some cope longcut.

After a session I'd have some more cope longcut wintergreen and a sugar free monster energy. Probably not the healthiest thing for me.

I quit drinking regularly a long time ago and feel terrible if I drink more than 3 drinks. Lol.

The hardest part about quitting was the routines. I'd pop in some chew everyday after work for my drive home. It took the edge off and made the drive enjoyable.