Surfers from West Oz + San Diego missing in Mexico...


Staff member
Apr 1, 2005
Probably never find out what happened. Meth tweaker robbery gone bad? Cartel sh!t?

Those two guys were really big dudes at 6-4 and 6-3. I wonder if they tried to fight back. I know if I thought my life was done, I would definitely try to take one of them with me. Fight if you can't flight.


Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
Probably never find out what happened. Methhead robbery gone bad? Cartel sh!t?

Those two guys were really big dudes at 6-4 and 6-3. I wonder if they tried to fight back.
The one brother was a 6-4 250lb lacrosse player. Pretty wild to choose them as targets. The tweakers must have been armed.

I would definitely lean toward meth head robbery gone bad vs. cartel sh1t. Cartel's don't want the kind of heat that comes from 3 dead gringos. It's bad for business.


Duke status
Dec 3, 2010
Probably never find out what happened. Meth tweaker robbery gone bad? Cartel sh!t?

Those two guys were really big dudes at 6-4 and 6-3. I wonder if they tried to fight back. I know if I thought my life was done, I would definitely try to take one of them with me. Fight if you can't flight.
Definitely Cartel stuff. El Chapo ordered the hit from the ADX Florence Solitary Confinement.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
The one brother was a 6-4 250lb lacrosse player. Pretty wild to choose them as targets. The tweakers must have been armed.

I would definitely lean toward meth head robbery gone bad vs. cartel sh1t. Cartel's don't want the kind of heat that comes from 3 dead gringos. It's bad for business.
Tweakers are a big problem - very unpredictable and it seems like the drugs drive them to get into it with people they wouldn't normally. Some interstate pot traffickers set up on my street in <redacted> county and an uncle showed up who seemed to be on parole. He was a small, mild-mannered friendly guy when he wasn't tweaking. When he was tweaking, he was trying to fight the neighbors. Another tweaker chased my wife one time while she was jogging. They're like the walking dead.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020

Hopefully the locals take
Care of all related perps.

Medieval style.

Via con Dios.
I hope the cops aren't blaming this on the uninvolved just to look like they're doing something to save face for the government.


Kelly Slater status
May 28, 2005
Wife and family pressures impacted my annual ride down to Loretto, La Paz, etc. and, to sell my 650 scooter. Have it for sale locally (Cardiff), bro deals if a forum bro interested. I‘m not a “coward” by any stroke of the imagination but Mexico isn’t on my radar any longer…. Just so sad that the fellows went on a surf’s safari, a dream trip really and it turned to tragedy…. RIP

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Miki Dora status
Jul 7, 2003
This is so shitty. I camped down and PSJ a few times in the early 2000's amongst other trips to Baja. It always felt a little eerie driving way out there. Lots of open space in every direction so if someone wanted to fuck with you you were on your own. We never had any notable issues (there was a very drugged up woman in the campground one night trying to turn tricks that was pretty strange but she eventually left - to where I have no idea) and the fishermen were always cool. I was way younger then without kids and a somewhat misplaced feeling of invincibility so who knows if I was just naive or if things really have changed as I haven't been back in 20 years. Feel terrible for their families and hope they didn't suffer too much.

As far as why target big guys, it's very possible this all happened in the dark. I've had a couple of sketchy situations over the years camping and having someone who was messed up (mental, drugs, who knows) approach my campsite at night and try to start sh!t. As a teenager we we're sleeping in our cars at Honolua and had some mokes drive up and start fucking with us and luckily were able to talk our way out of it (not being run of the mill haoles, and being able to speak heavy pidgin probably saved us). Not hard to see that happening out at PSJ or some other remote camp spot in the area and having it go badly.


Kelly Slater status
May 28, 2005
I found that riding South of Ensenada is ideal during daylight hours. Kids wave, driver’s are courteous, pump jockeys friendly. Never an issue, ever. Just be sure to stop at stop signs in small communities, salute the military check-points and enjoy the ride. Baja Sur is the USA in the 1950s friendly. Do NOT however ride/drive at night/hours of darkness. I always opted for a motel ($25/35 a night). If surfer’s want to camp, kool. Advice from an old fart, camp in the US, not Mexico. It just doesn’t seem worth the potential for problems.
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
This is so shitty. I camped down and PSJ a few times in the early 2000's amongst other trips to Baja. It always felt a little eerie driving way out there. Lots of open space in every direction so if someone wanted to fuck with you you were on your own.
Agree... it's so spacious you feel a bit like a sitting duck, the area is well traveled but at the same time feels empty and isolated. Someone could be watching you for miles with binoculars. It's weird because I typically like wide open spaces like that but that drive has an odd feeling to it.

The thing that gets me is the people that have built homes out that way. Moreso the newer homes that are more west. No idea how the hell you secure your property. I'd have a real hard time ever feeling comfortable especially sleeping at night.
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Miki Dora status
Oct 7, 2020

Bring even a single bullet,
No related weapon,
will be years in MX jail.

Next level clueless.
Going to a desolate area in a foreign county, that has a corrupt judicial system, corrupt law enforcement, rampant illegal activity, and you have no way of defending yourself... that sounds clueless. I mean, some sort of weapon would seem almost necessary?


Miki Dora status
Oct 7, 2020
If not a gun you'd find me with a cross bow, or bow and arrow type chit! Rambo style.
