Surf Diet

highline rider

Miki Dora status
Jan 31, 2003
Orange County
Hey, was wondering if any of you guys could help me out with this problem. Right now, im in water polo and i surf. For water polo, i lift weights four times a week, and practice for a few hours each day. I fit in surfing about 4-8 hours on weekends and sometimes during the week. The problem is that I am constantly sore. I am always doing some sort of strenuous activity and am never at full strength. Does anybody have a special diet that could help my muscles recover, i stretch and have been working on drinking a lot of water, but its not helping all that much. Anybody got any stretching techniques our diets i should try?

Thanks --- David


OTF status
Dec 8, 2002
Talk with the baseball pitchers to find out what shoulder and arm stretches they do to relax their muscles. Also, rest one weekend (when there's no surf). It's hard on your body to just keep going. Alot of rest and sleep. Take a day or two off of practice. Give your body a chance to heal. Go see the trainer. Good luck.

cat diving into a bush

Legend (inyourownmind)
Jan 17, 2002
sounds like you could be going for overkill on the weights. But then again I don't know how strenous/what kind of lifting your doing. Im my experience the best strength gains come from heavy slow lifting with plenty of rest. Do you play polo during summer and fall season? Maybe you should only lift once a week and make it count. Maintain your strength during the season and work on making gains during the off season.

highline rider

Miki Dora status
Jan 31, 2003
Orange County
Hey thanks for the anwers, i got me alot of protein powder so i can make my own smoothies and shakes, and ive been working on beefing up my meat intake. As for taking a break, I can't really, cause if i take a break then i lose rank on the team, and thats not cool. Im just gonna work on sleeping alot and eating alot.



Michael Peterson status
Dec 19, 2002
ex-pat Huntington Beach
Visit site
A couple things. Yes, plenty of rest and plenty of beverages of the healthy type (water, juice, broth), but also rotating workouts. Legs one day arms the next. That should give you a little better chance for some recovery.


OTF status
Jun 13, 2003
Bay Area
It sounds to me that you are over training and are setting yourself up for an injury. Does your coach know you're sore all the time? I would suggest talking to the coach and back off the training, especially the weight lifting. My kids play water polo and they spend all their time in the pool and don't lift. Must work-their high school has kids go to college on scholarships every year. Good luck.


OTF status
Mar 26, 2003
North CarolinaEast Coast
Take a break from your surf training. Sounds horrible but yes, it will help out alot. If resting from your polo training reduces your ranks on the team tryin taking a break from the surfing workouts. I just wish I had you motivation. I am lazy. And am starting to put on some gut. I better get to the gym soon. Later-tsunami
Dec 24, 2002
try taking Endurox after training sessions it exels recovery time. its used by elite athletes that need a quick recovery time. it's not cheap about $30 per can. it helped be train for a triathlon.


Legend (inyourownmind)
Dec 17, 2002
I've been told that potasium helps with sore muscles. bannanas contain high amounts of potassium. Don't really know to what extent it would help to eat more, but it couldn't hurt .

highline rider

Miki Dora status
Jan 31, 2003
Orange County
Thanks for the replies, I actually found the most usefull recovery techniques to be.

Meals - Lots of carbs, lots of proteins, fair share of veggies, lots of water and sports drinks.

Stretching - Just some simple stretches.

Heat Emmersion Therapy - Sounds fancy but all it is is immersing the sore muscle in hot water then cold, and repeating. It helped in the short term more then anything. Sports doctors told me about it, said you can heal a sprained ankle in only a few days with this treatment.

anthony christopher

OTF status
Jun 12, 2003
Do you see the recurring theme? REST! It is essential. A friend of mine was a professional body builder and he always said, "It's not so much what you do in the gym it's what you do out of the gym." He was referring to REST and DIET. (In my case, I was trying to put on weight, and i was lifting 5 days, surfing, running full court, chasing woman, and staying out late.) So, keep up those calories. Good, healthy meals with healthy snacks in between and lots of water. Throw some oat bran and healthy peanut butter in your protein shake with a half of a banana. (Good fat, lots of protein, some carbs, and some good ol fiber!) Good Luck


Michael Peterson status
May 7, 2003
Newport Shores
Creatine definitely helps with recovery, but I'm not sure how much I'd advocate using supplements like that. I used it for a while and it seemed to do a lot of good. Don't forget the "lots of water" too. You need it to help flush you out.

highline rider

Miki Dora status
Jan 31, 2003
Orange County
Creatine would probably help, but I am a sort of purist, not a completely dedicated one, but I try. i try to keep to organic produce, fruits and veggies grown in our garden. Try to stay away from junk foods and soda and caffiene. Pretty much a yuppy, but its all in good intentions.


Michael Peterson status
Jul 24, 2003
Shell Beach, Ca.
I take Zinc and Magnizium. As well, I use Creatine Serum; no loading and it is only used when you work out/surf hard. I'll be 47 in November and as each year passes, the muscle recovery get's a bit harder.

As I don't eat much (if any )red meat or chicken...I eat lots of seafood, soy protien and Isopure protien shakles...especially BEFORE I surf. (I HATE surfing with food in my belly, so the protien shakes REALLY help

And of course cigars...lots and lots of fine premium cigars...Cubans mostly <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


Kelly Slater status
Mar 20, 2003
you go out surfing hungry burnsey???? ahh man that killed so many sessions this winter i swear you go out without eating 2 hours later you are starving and about to pass out from hunger <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> hate that. I like to eat a good big meal before every session so i have at least 4 or 5 hours before iam dieing of hunger <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


Miki Dora status
Aug 18, 2003
Ventura, CA
I think it is important to time the kinds of things you eat. Carbs kick in energy about 1-2 hours after you eat them, so in the afternoon an hour before workouts, have a bagel or rice.

Protien helps with muscle recovery, and also gives you energy about 5 hours after you eat it. So having a high protien snack mid-morning will also help you out in the afternoon. For dinner, high protien and lots of veg to make sure you have plenty of nutrients for rebuilding those poor muscles!

Try it for a few days ... I felt a big difference when I dialed in my eating.


Michael Peterson status
Jul 24, 2003
Shell Beach, Ca.
grom...that's why I have the protein shake in the AM...if I'm gonna be on it hard and heavy all day (like a Ranch trip or something) I will also eat a bit of fruit.

I don't like the feeling of food in my belly when I'm laying on my board.

I've never been one to eat "food" for breakfast...

pickles...I sort of learned a bit of that the hard way. A few years ago I went to Jalama without eating anything...The place usually blows out early and sometimes it's just not even worth paddling is also a fairly long way from anywhere.

So we get there and it is the very best day I've ever seen and no wind...after about 3 hours my blood sugar crashed so bad I started shaking. Fortunately I ran into an old friend on the beach who had a bunch of food in his bag. After a banana and a couple PJ & J's, I was able to put in another 3 hours.

I am very careful about that now...

highline rider

Miki Dora status
Jan 31, 2003
Orange County
For my pre-surf meals, I usually eat a bowl of cereal, then onto some granola bars and yogurt. Afterwards, it is usually just a big meal, as big as I can get for the $$$ I have on me at the time. If I get out of the water early for some reason (crowds, winds, blackball) then a muffin or two and a bottle of milk usually do the trick.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Jun 26, 2003
I hear you about a little food and liquid to sustain for a 3 hour sesh...but are you guys all hypoglaucymic (spelling) or something?
Got a bud who swears he is...he's 6' and 215 lbs. and has to eat constantly, or drink after doing anything. What a pain!
I go easily without food or drink for breakfast OR lunch, surf 2 hours, play some bad tennis, and get hungry around 5PM.
How are you guys going to last thru Hell Week or Indoc for Special Forces? One week without eating would have you guys DYING from not hunger or starvation, but from mental need collapse.
Same with my bud John.