Surf before work protocol


Gerry Lopez status
Apr 13, 2009
Lately I have been setting up towels so that I don't get anything wet and race home on my way in. Nothing beats taking your wetsuit off in a steamy hot shower, and I don't care if people call me a kook as I get into my car and drive away. I am guessing it will add a ton of life to my wetsuit as well.

Can I ask how many boards typically make the ride to the beach? And do you guys hot box them in your car all day, or bring them in?


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
I have a full-on conversion camper van. So night before a pre work surf, I put lunch in van’s fridge and pack boards, wetsuit, cooler and uniform. After surf I’ll take a quick hot shower at the rear of the van, with face/body wash to rinse off sunscreen and keep wetsuit from getting too funky. Before changing into uniform I ALWAYS apply baby powder to marble sack bc I’m walking all day. Once at work, I put lunch into cooler and hang wetsuit from van’s side ladder before going in to prep mail and parcels for my route
There's a SensualWriter story in there somewhere...


Nep status
Dec 25, 2009
Nothing special. If I surf a spot that has showers I'll get a fresh water rinse in while still in my wettie. If not,
I stay salty until I find some time to take a shower at work or I'll wait until I get home.
Walk in to the station wearing the same clothes I wore to the beach and get a cup of coffee.
Plop down at my desk, slip in my ear buds and waste a hour or two meandering the interwebs.
Sometimes, if I'm really hungry, I'll get up from my desk and leave the station in search of food.
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Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
If I walk up the street to surf I'll hammer a quick shower at home. If I drive to surf, jugs of water. Warm Nov-March/April, generally cool the rest of the year.

I try to keep a cheapy comb in the car's console to rake the mop some.

Optimum is work from home + walk to surf. That way you can wear trunks/wetsuit and bathrobe all day and not generate any new laundry.


Duke status
Feb 20, 2003
when i used to surf before work, cuz i had an empty spot which is now full of tards at 5am.....
out of wetsuit, into robe, off to work, change into work clothes there. no shower


Phil Edwards status
Sep 11, 2018
Probably dropping in on you, California
jug of water and deodorant is all i need. most likely wearing a hat to work that day but i dont mind being somewhat salty while working and im alone most of the day anyways.

if i only surf an hour i can go home and showr and eat b4 work as i dont start till 10.
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Gerry Lopez status
Aug 5, 2008
Norf Cackalacka
Visit site
Corpo days, I'd shower and even shave at beach, magnetic mirror, cold water shaves not my favorite. Still keep full set of toiletries in truck and got an electric razor. Last 10 years working in surf shop a block from beach so I surf before, during if it's good, and after work. Only personal hygiene requirement is deodorant which I sometimes have to remind the groms to wear. You can wear trunks, shoes optional, shirt is a must.


Miki Dora status
Mar 30, 2009
Wake up, eat porrigde and have coffee. Drive out and take a dump in the bushes by the parking lot. Wipe with grass and hope the suit gets a good flush out there. Once after my morning poop I went and sat in a friends car and talked about stocks while waiting for the wind to decrease. After a bit I could sense myself reeking of sh!t! It was never the same again :(
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Michael Peterson status
Oct 7, 2020
I fill up a 5 gallon water jug and throw it in the rig the night before or the morning of. Always cold water. I have a bar of oatmeal soap that I use for hair, face and body. 5 gallons is plenty to get a rinse off. A little cologne to make the smell or urine from peeing in my suit and call it a day until i get home.

Wetsuit hang dries on the back windshield wiper and board stay in the car until the bosses leave for lunch then I smuggle them into the office.

I always wondered if having a surfboard locker service by the beach would make any profit? :unsure: For the guys that have motorcycles, or the guys that rent a room and dont have space, or the guys that live far away, etc. I thought it might be a profitable business model, but what do i know?


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise
I fill up a 5 gallon water jug and throw it in the rig the night before or the morning of. Always cold water. I have a bar of oatmeal soap that I use for hair, face and body. 5 gallons is plenty to get a rinse off. A little cologne to make the smell or urine from peeing in my suit and call it a day until i get home.

Wetsuit hang dries on the back windshield wiper and board stay in the car until the bosses leave for lunch then I smuggle them into the office.

I always wondered if having a surfboard locker service by the beach would make any profit? :unsure: For the guys that have motorcycles, or the guys that rent a room and dont have space, or the guys that live far away, etc. I thought it might be a profitable business model, but what do i know?
that and a pay shower.
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Phil Edwards status
Jul 13, 2020
San Diego
You guys really lift a 5gal jug to self shower? I need a gallon max.

I haven’t figured out how to solve the empty bottle ending up at the far end if the truck bed problem. If I keep the bottles in the cab I am too lazy and skip a rinse or forget to refill.

Also, this thread is useless without pics.


Michael Peterson status
Apr 13, 2016
You guys really lift a 5gal jug to self shower? I need a gallon max.

I haven’t figured out how to solve the empty bottle ending up at the far end if the truck bed problem. If I keep the bottles in the cab I am too lazy and skip a rinse or forget to refill.

Also, this thread is useless without pics.
I started keeping all the basics (wax, fin key, ear plugs, cheap watch) in a n old backpack. Throw my thermos and drinking water bottle + rinse bottle in that. Hard to forget anything and it doesn’t slide to the end of the bed anymore.
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Michael Peterson status
Jul 28, 2008
Kook City, VA
I fill up a 5 gallon water jug and throw it in the rig the night before or the morning of. Always cold water. I have a bar of oatmeal soap that I use for hair, face and body. 5 gallons is plenty to get a rinse off. A little cologne to make the smell or urine from peeing in my suit and call it a day until i get home.
In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Gerry Lopez status
Aug 5, 2008
Norf Cackalacka
Visit site
I always wondered if having a surfboard locker service by the beach would make any profit? :unsure: For the guys that have motorcycles, or the guys that rent a room and dont have space, or the guys that live far away, etc. I thought it might be a profitable business model, but what do i know?
A fleet of buses that store boards in a warehouse. The buses carry boards in the back and have a lounge in the front. They have outdoor showers. It's a membership plan where you go on an app to decide where you'll surf the next day. There could be coffee, food, or whatever in the lounge. Members could bring boards or just stop in while still having access to amenities. Profitability from memberships, snack bar and that the bus is also a mobile dispensary. Masseuse or barber? It would essentially be rolling surf country club.