So who knows anything about wedding rings?....aside from misery and all that..

20W-50 and blood

Duke status
Feb 4, 2004
Visit site
don't go to any stores

you find someone who knows a diamond guy

you pick a nice rock in your budget and they help you decide on a band

you will save money and get more for your money this way, but you have to be able to sit
down and make a decision about what you like.

typically you open with a big banging engagement ring so she has some finger candy to
show off; the wedding band is typically just a complementary band that sitts along the
engagement can alternatively have them re-work the engagement band/stone
in to a new setting for the wedding ring.

keep it clean and classy...simple, elegant design with a big rock. big rock. big rock. big rock

I have a guy in DTLA that was easy to work with and competitive

also, don't get married you fkn moron. jesus fkn christ. are you not paying attention!?!!??!

edit: the guys recommending vintage are pros. you can find a vintage setting...maybe with
some cool filigree, and then put good rocks in it. lots of options.
la madre.....THIS is what im talking about....except my hookup/man in the know kicked the bucket a few years ago...ancient pimped out southern style jewish dude....was basically the grnadfather i never had....owned a pawn shop next door to the liquor stor emy old man owned....RIP JACK!!!! dude was tight with everyone downtown. **** on the hookup...i miss that guy

Your Moms Dildo

Michael Peterson status
Jan 17, 2014
Next to the Lube
Go to the jewelry district in LA.

Pick out a band and have the quality of diamonds that you want, put into the band, at an agreed upon price. When the band is ready and you go to pick it up, they'll bust out a bunch of rocks for the center piece. If they don't produce a stone you can live with, go next door and keep doing it until you get what you want.
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Michael Peterson status
Apr 23, 2005
Malibu, CA
The 4 C's. Cut, Clarity, Color, Carat. You care about them in that order. Carat is the weight of the stone. It's the least important on how shiny it is.

Diamonds are best when they're shiny. Get the best CUT you can. Clarity is next. You can go "VS1" or "VS2" and still be clean to the naked eye, do that. Color is nice, but unless it's directly next to another stone of a higher or lesser quality it's going to look white. Carat is weight. (You can say it's size I guess, but it's not that simple) I've heard a half carat or less is much easier to cut and make look sparkly, so a half carat or under will be cheaper. I've also heard it said if you're going for less than $5k get a solitaire, single stone ring. Over $5k you can get a 3 stone ring or different setting.

Diamonds come in all kinds of fancy shapes now. You DO need to know what shape she likes.

I did not follow that 3 month salary rule when I proposed. Nor did I follow it when I upgraded my wife's ring 10.5 years later. I was happy with the ring both times. I like this one much more though. Better cut.
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Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
Diamonds aren't that expensive when they're on a chainsaw. Find a copy of Science magazine and in the back they (used to?) have an add for $99 big ass diamond ring, with ear rings. I bought one and gave it to a girlfriend in high school, she was stocked.


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
A simple felicitationes is also called for. If you guys are still together after this past year+, I’m guardedly optimistic for you!
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Staff member
Apr 1, 2005
Biggest waste of money for marriage

1. wedding dress
2. wedding photographer
3. wedding ring

Blows my mind the amount of money brides are willing to dump into a wedding instead of investing it for the future. If you're really about 'building a future together' makes no sense why you'd want to stupid amounts of money on a wedding.

You find a girl that would rather invest the money than have a big wedding, hold onto to her for life.

Non-married guy, out. :roflmao:


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
Don't spend more than $3000 on a ring - it's dumb.
Don't spend on a wedding photographer - you need 1 proper photograph and the rest can can come from iphones - dumber than a ring
My niece paid a photographer.

The pictures came out really good.

But they are a good looking couple so . . .

It's weird, you point a camera at me and I get this really panicked look on my face.

Every time. :dancing:


Phil Edwards status
Dec 19, 2003
got mine, plain gold band at costco,99.99 lost the first one surfing, went to costco and got the same one nobody was the wiser, lost the second one when it was on my key chain(so I wouldn't lose it surfing) and I lost my keys. gave up after that, no ring for me, its better , women don't hit on me as much now that I don't have a ring on. as for the lovely bride, I inherited some diamonds from my folks so I used an old ring to propose but let her take the diamonds out and design her own ring win win.


Gerry Lopez status
Jan 27, 2002
Shrub Oak,N.Y.,USA
Ring - I've got nothing.

Video - a friend whom I am eternally grateful to did this for us and I did it for my my cousin and his wife. 15 years later they feel the same way. If someone can get behind the person performing the ceremony so that they can film the couple's faces during the ceremony it's fantastic. It's a big moment and there is a very nice and subtle interplay of emotions happening, especially around "I Do". I have watched ours many times over the last 30 years and it's just a great little scene (like when this big smile spreads out over my wife's face when I say "I Do"). The same friend video'd the church and the reception. I like the uncut candid video very much - I have seen produced videos which are nice but I think the uncut captures the back conversations of people you can't see in the frame in a great way and shows our family and friends warts and all - and especially for our kids - it's just like being there.

The sad part is the beginning in the church, everyone there, the aunts and uncles, our friend who probably died of Aids - many of them are gone - you forget how many until you see them all in the video - It's just how life marches on I guess.
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
The rule of thumb is that you need to spend the equivalent of 3-1/2 months $ of your salary on the ring.
Only idiots do that.

Let her decide what kind of cut she likes.

Then discuss price - how much are you willing to spend? If this becomes a problem for her/you it's a good final moment to bail out. You are not obligated to spend any more than what you find reasonable.

Then look for a setting with her - I would not advise going to any chain retailer.

Take her to a jewelry district and go diamond shopping. It's pretty fun to look at diamonds all day. As Hdip stated, read up on diamond quality so you know what you're looking for and look at plenty of stones. Some aspects of the diamond might matter more to her than others. This is very important.

My wife ended up choosing a .75 diamond which is considered pretty small :rolleyes: but due to it's characteristics is a much more eye catching diamond that other bigger more expensive stones that I see. We didn't realize this could be the case at the time of purchase since we didn't spend a whole lot of money - much less than most people - but it definitely is the case.

That said, she would have been just as happy with a plain gold band. Get something inscribed on the inside. Never have to worry about losing the diamond.


Phil Edwards status
Jul 13, 2020
San Diego
yah for photog just find a buddy with good gear and set them loose.

I‘ve been asked to shoot a couple weddings, I just use my dad’s Nikon setup and leave over 1000 photos on the cutting room floor but still manage a couple keepers that folks call “their best photo ever”.

trick is they are already happy, you just need to be ready to snap the photo before they realize you’re doing it.
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Biggest waste of money for marriage

1. wedding dress
2. wedding photographer
3. wedding ring

Blows my mind the amount of money brides are willing to dump into a wedding instead of investing it for the future. If you're really about 'building a future together' makes no sense why you'd want to stupid amounts of money on a wedding.

You find a girl that would rather invest the money than have a big wedding, hold onto to her for life.

Non-married guy, out. :roflmao:
Married guy, in.

Totally agree.

You start this convo about keeping it simple after you get her a good looking ring she really likes for a reasonable price.

That you want to start the marriage out on the right foot financially.

Small wedding, one photog working solo. Also, no stupid engagement photos.

For the reception use a barrio banquet hall. See if they have a good package deal - food, music, DJ. Alcohol - the cheap stuff.

At the end of the day this is just about being with friends and family, the guests eating, getting drunk, and dancing.

Of course if her parents have money and want to go nuts and pay for everything then by all means, do whatever,
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Phil Edwards status
Jul 13, 2020
San Diego
Of course if her parents have money and want to go nuts and pay for everything then by all means, do whatever,
this is the part lost on most chasing their wedding dreams. they don’t appreciate the fact someone else bankrolled it, or the financial arguments that ensued.

have many friends trying to pay for a house and a big wedding at the same time. they ask me how I put so much into the down payment and I just shrug and tell them they’re SOL or gonna take the tax hit on some investments they’re not ready to cash in.


Tom Curren status
Feb 7, 2009
Mine is lost at local 805 North beach break and wife was/is pissed it was custom made ole gold band from store in Limon Costa Rica:drowning: