

Michael Peterson status
May 28, 2003

A few years ago I had a long battle with "chronic sinusitis", but it did eventually disappear. The last few weeks it seems like I'm getting the same thing again. Is there anything you can recommend to take care of the symptoms, prevent relapses, etc? Thanks.


OTF status
Aug 18, 2003
I'm not the Doc, but I'm sure he will answer you as I've had way too many sinus infections over the past 10 years...about 6 years ago I found a great Ear Nose & Throat doctor I go see who patches me up pretty quik...usually feeling better within 48 hours.

Nearly every time I catch a cold, I end up getting a sinus infection...I just try and not let myself get all tired out and wear myself down....Also in the winter try and avoid being outside at night in damp environs...and most definately, drain your sinuses after surfing as much as you can...lay on the bed and hang your head over the edge....

If you get em though, make sure you get treated and treated right...I had this lousy HMO Ins. and for like 3 weeks I wasnt getting better and they kept giving me Amoxycilin...didnt do jack, now I go the the Ear Nose & Throat guy, he vacums out my sinuses...feels so much better after and usually gives me Biaxin...clears it right up...

Good luck


Kelly Slater status
Jan 13, 2002

i have the same problem, after everysession recently getting sinus issues. Even post draining the water out I feel a little cloggy.

What ear & throat guy do you go to? How much? I am curious how he vacuums out your sinuses, that looks like a cool procedure I wouldn't mind having.
Oct 1, 2003
Sinus infections suck!! Everytime I swim in the river i get a bad one. Buut when I go in the ocean it doesn't really bother me. After Im done surfing tho, everytime I bend over to pick something up or to change, gallons of water come pouring out of my nose. But no infection from the ocean. But if I swim in any of the rivers, the next morning my sinuses are toast. For AT LEAST a week, no sense of smell, sinus headaches, the whole deal. How fricken miserable! There must be some kind of bacteria in the river that I can't take that is not in the ocean. That probly doesn't help you much but you're not alone!


OTF status
Aug 18, 2003
Damn I typed a big reply and it deleted it...

OK...Vacuum job: cotton balls with novacaine into the nostrils for 5-10 minutes, then small rubber hose about the size of pencil lead is inserted into each noststil and vacuumed out....makes you gag, but feels could to get all the crap out you have had outta there...

I think its 95.00 a visit, but another charge for new patients....he is a family friend and located in beverly hills, so if you are serious, hit me up and I can put you in touch with him and will give him a heads up call before, so maybe he'll cut you some discount....



Michael Peterson status
Dec 19, 2002
ex-pat Huntington Beach
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A few things.
First, always bend over and drain the sinuses after any water sports by gently shaking the head until the water runs and blowing the nose lightly.
Two, salt water and fresh water are indeed different regarding chemistry and biology.
Three, not all sinus infections require antibiotics.
Four, different folks have different susceptibility to sinus grief.

'nuff said?