RIP Zach Rhinehart

Bob Dobbalina

Miki Dora status
Feb 23, 2016
Yeah man.

Zach. I grew up surfing with him, Derek, and all those guys. All of the things are true. They were doing sh!t really early on that other people would be celebrated for later. Zach in particular had such a wild, lanky, bendy, techy style.
First flip I ever saw
Crazy switch stuff
techy spins and shuv its/varials/finger flip/kick flip/grab variations.

I never really jumped on the waveskate thing. It wasn't for me, I didn't know Ben Wei. I thought Zach and everyone else surfed better on more typical shortboards of the time, but the waveskates allowed them to really emphasize the spinny, techy stuff in the underwhelming, everyday waves in town. He was also a really good tube rider and absolute specialist at every weird little spot around town. The way Zach could bend his frame into backside barrels was a trip, particularly on those tiny waveskates .

He was always kind to me. He was downright admirable in the strength he showed walking through his final years. I only hope to demonstrate a fraction of that on my way out.

I also watched him punch a guys fins out at the pier, which I also absolutely respected!