Question for the gun toting constitutionalists

Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
Autoprax said:
Wheelhouse said:
wise man once said -
You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
Really, a wise man? He sounds like some of the dummies who post stupid sh!t here.
The 'gun behind every blade of grass' may be somewhat of a made up quote often attributed to Admiral Yamamoto.

This may be something along the lines of an old joke some Swiss friends told me a long time back.

It went a little like this:

The setting is the early days of World War 2, a high ranking German officer is talking to a high ranking Swiss officer. They are discussing if Switzerland should just give in without shooting like the French.

German guy says: After all, we have a very large powerful army.

Swiss guy says: We have a well trained militia of 50,000 who can shoot very well. Once shot is all they need.

German guy says: Ha! We have twice as many trained soldiers.

Swiss guy says: Hmmm, I will tell them to shoot twice then.

German guy says: :bricks:

Apparently this is very funny.


Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
manbearpig said:
Mr Doof said:
frvcvs said:
So guns aren't about standing up to tyranny? The founding fathers made it a constitutional amendment just so you can protect yourself from home invaders and hunt turkey? :socrazy:
Of course not.

Part of the reason for the 2nd is to reduce the need for a standing army.

Well, according to some scholars.
Yeah that heavily relied on us staying out of foreign affairs, so much for that.

Imagine what the world would be like if there were no Spanish-American War (generally speaking, lots of scholars think this war cemented the USA new role as a world power...a position we have not ceded since).

Lance Mannion

Duke status
Mar 7, 2009
In Gods Country
frvcvs said:
When are you going to stand up and defend the constitution by raising arms against those that are infringing upon the "god-given" constitutional right to a free press?
Just glad that brave souls like yourself are resisting. Just watch yourself around those MAGA hat wearing meanies, you're risking a major case of stinkeye or worse, they'll ignore you.