What does a 6'3" Padillac do that a 6'3" Ghost won't? I'm really curious and fascinated...
My good friend hit me up the other day and asked what the deal was with these mIni Padillacs compared to a Next Step and after I tried to explain them a bit he just responded "Old man step-up?" And I thought fuck, I think that is one way to put it!!
But, to kind of answer your question of Ghost vs Mini Padi:
someone else put it pretty well down below your comment- They are kind of a less HP sort of step up that can be ridden in any sort of wave really. For me I will be riding mine at some spots I like when the surf is a bit bigger than normal here. Deep water reefs that make having a good paddling board a great advantage. Get in early, but then you are still riding a smaller, more maneuverable board.
The design is a shrunken Padillac, but I also pulled in the nose outline a bit and added extra rocker through the whole font half of the board to free it up a bit on later drops and keep it loose in the pocket.
I've been playing with these boards for a year or more and they are really fun