Professional thieves La Jolla Shores.


Michael Peterson status
Jul 29, 2015
The "professional" part comes when they can break your iPhone password, your online banking password, and have a network of people working the retail end of things to buy as much stuff as fast as possible.
THAT is phucking gnarly.

Jesus, how much sh*t do you have engrained on your phone!? Did they get into your Apple Pay or something? iPhone Wallet have some financial sources authorized / linked!??

I have never used Apple Pay or have any of my cards set up in my phone and if I need them once I delete them after.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
THAT is phucking gnarly.

Jesus, how much sh*t do you have engrained on your phone!? Did they get into your Apple Pay or something? iPhone Wallet have some financial sources authorized / linked!??

I have never used Apple Pay or have any of my cards set up in my phone and if I need them once I delete them after.
I'm tech illiterate.

Had nothing on my phone. I don't use apple pay or that kinda crap.


Phil Edwards status
Sep 11, 2018
Probably dropping in on you, California
Fark!! I have a transit with a fob key that I typically just hide. Gonna get a key I can carry with me just to unlock/lock the doors.
sucks cant fo the life of me figure out how to lock my car from the outside with the mechanical key. took it back to the dealership and no one in the service department could get it - so here i am stuck with a lockbox sitch even though we all know how breakable they are.


Duke status
Jan 11, 2002
The Bar
Put the key fob and all in a ziploc bag, bury it in the sand, pile a 4' high pyramid of rocks on top, and then p*ss on the rocks? :shrug:


sucks cant fo the life of me figure out how to lock my car from the outside with the mechanical key. took it back to the dealership and no one in the service department could get it - so here i am stuck with a lockbox sitch even though we all know how breakable they are.

What kind of car?
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Legend (inyourownmind)
Nov 23, 2022
keep a vigilant dog in the car. but make sure to leave those windows down a couple inches!


Who tf buries their keys in the sand before a surf? At least take the time to roll them up in a towel and leave the towel under a guard tower or something.


Gerry Lopez status
Jul 28, 2010
the tube
Boy have tings changed. The surf lots used to be full of rusted out volvos and VW vans, biggest score would be some mexican blankets and a bag of crappy weed, maybe some luke warm beers. Thieves looked elsewhere for an easy score. Nowadays, the thieves see the lots full of fresh Mercedes sprinter vans full of $10k worth of silly twin fins, Tesla's, rinse kits, iPhones, iwatches, vlogger cam and mic set ups etc etc. No wonder.

Who's Your Daddy

Tom Curren status
Jan 10, 2002
Carlsbad, California
Visit site
I know. When I lived in Kensington area off Monroe, I got my stereo and CD case stolen. Friend of mine staying over on a road trip got a bunch of stuff stolen from his car too (felt so shitty about that). Theft up and down the street. Filed a report that was useless, asked the cops why they don't just cross-reference who has recently been released from jail for theft with residence in Normal Heights as it's obvious they're going over the footbridge but was met with something like we can't really do that. When crime is so bad that everyone has to lock their dumpsters, that's a problem. :socrazy:
What's a CD?


Phil Edwards status
Oct 26, 2005

i pull my key out and leave the fob in the car. Key on wetsuit string, no chance they drive my car away. Doesn’t stop a break in though.
Really? I don't know what your fob does, but mine opens the doors and starts the car.

If you leave it in the car, all the thieves have to do is pull your door handle, and drive away.

Unless your fob is protected in a sleeve or something.