Poor Eyesight and surfing

Sep 3, 2003
I'm 58, just starting to surf. I can't see well enough without correction to see the swells or someone I might run over. What's the solution? I have bad astigmtism, so swimming googles with a simple diopter correction don't cut it. Everything is still so skewed it's dizzying. What are the possible solutions: Contacts? Will they wash out pretty often. Any other answers--and no I can't afford corrective surgery.
Thanks, Mike


Michael Peterson status
Jan 31, 2003
Oceanside, CA

I had contacs from the 9th grade until I was around 29 or so, and I didn't take them off when I went swimming - I was just careful to not open my eyes under water (even then, the suction the large soft lenses have on the eye will usually prevent them for brief periods of time).

When I was 29, I had the corrective surgery and it has been the most amazing gift ever. To wake up and be able to actually SEE is quite an experience after years and years of what amounts to being legally blind. ;>


Michael Peterson status
Mar 5, 2002
hermosa beach, ca
i wear contacts out in the water all the time. i have lost some over the years. one thing, when you feel like you lost one, check your cheeks right away, i have found the contact resting on my cheek many,many times. it is weird but i have heard that form others too, put it in your mouth and paddle beyond the break and try to put it back in your eye. good luck. i need that corrective eye surgery too, man that would be nice!


Duke status
Jan 15, 2003
another soft contact wearer here. No major problems, but can't open my eyes under water. No big deal on that loss. I've had occasions where the contacts get sand in them. you'll feel when they don't fit right, so when that happens paddle in and fix them at your car

[ September 04, 2003, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: stu dog ]