Poast your strenf training program


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise
haven't been training but surfing a ton. lifting jogging stroller out of disneyland tram and the lower back gives out. da fk??? always when i have time to surf this chit happens. surfing does make u weak indeed. back to rdl's hope can get enough mobility to surf later this wk.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
haven't been training but surfing a ton. lifting jogging stroller out of disneyland tram and the lower back gives out. da fk??? always when i have time to surf this chit happens. surfing does make u weak indeed. back to rdl's hope can get enough mobility to surf later this wk.
Had you given up completely on barbell work? At the very least you should have been doing a once a week maintenance program. If you have back issues, even just once a week deadlift maintenance session? I can't believe I'M telling YOU this.

ps hope you threw the back out AFTER your Disneyland visit. Otherwise no Indiana Jones for you.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Why deload at 4 weeks? Sometimes you have to get when the gettin's good. Right now my programming is exactly where it needs to be and I'm deloading at 16 weeks but that's after a week of heavy singles. Through the 16 weeks the intensity ramps up and the rep ranges go down but the volume stays fairly consistent. There may be a time or two that I throw in an easy week but I wouldn't call it a deload and this is based on how I feel.

If your programming is higher intensity you will deload more often...but my suggestion would be to let your body tell you when that time is.
Volume at or above 75% of 1RM is what counts towards fatigue accumulation and strength in strength training according to Israetel et al. I suspect you aren’t accumulating as much fatigue as quickly because you’re using RPE and back off sets.


Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
Volume at or above 75% of 1RM is what counts towards fatigue accumulation and strength in strength training according to Israetel et al. I suspect you aren’t accumulating as much fatigue as quickly because you’re using RPE and back off sets.
Everything I do is above 75%

You can accumulate fatigue below 75% and there's a place for that.

If a person's squat is stuck one of the easy things to add is a couple sessions per week on an exercise bike like the concept2 Bikeerg. Have them go for 30+ minuted twice per week at a heart rate around 120-130 and many times that very low intensity volume is enough to get things moving again. It's what I always try before adding for instance a 4th lifting day.
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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise
Had you given up completely on barbell work? At the very least you should have been doing a once a week maintenance program. If you have back issues, even just once a week deadlift maintenance session? I can't believe I'M telling YOU this.

ps hope you threw the back out AFTER your Disneyland visit. Otherwise no Indiana Jones for you.
ya, happened after the visit. been frothing too much on surfing. lifting was annoying since it was fking up my surf sessions gassing me out, doms, etc. train to surf, not at the expense of surfing. oh well. back to barbell work. fk i hate training. but it's a necessity if i wanna surf


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
ya, happened after the visit. been frothing too much on surfing. lifting was annoying since it was fking up my surf sessions gassing me out, doms, etc. train to surf, not at the expense of surfing. oh well. back to barbell work. fk i hate training. but it's a necessity if i wanna surf
I’m sure you do this too, but I write down everything I do and then note if it caused doms. If it caused a lot of doms I dial it back just a little. If it caused just a little doms I keep it the same. When I do a session with no doms I’ll add just a little bit more the next time. Been doing that for a year. I’m mostly adding volume (still doing toddler weights). When I get to 3x8 with no doms I think of adding weight.

I recently added barbell lunges and have been slowly adding weight but just got a sore hip. Time to dial back. I’ve also been doing two days a week because the surf has been lame. I also added rows and I think that has helped with the shoulder soreness after surfing.
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Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
I need to do a lot of barbell lunges in order not to get DOMS from barbell lunges. Lately I've been doing Hatfield Split Squats with a safety squat bar. It lets you sort of meter the fatigue. I'm just using them as the third exercise on deadlift day as a recovery exercise for the week.

I've really found my niche and I'm making fairly regular gains but not walking around fatigued. Day one is probably the most fatiguing and I can still surf a couple hours after. If I'm going to surf and train on the same days I usually try and surf in the morning and train in the evening.
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Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
I’m sure you do this too, but I write down everything I do and then note if it caused doms. If it caused a lot of doms I dial it back just a little. If it caused just a little doms I keep it the same. When I do a session with no doms I’ll add just a little bit more the next time. Been doing that for a year. I’m mostly adding volume (still doing toddler weights). When I get to 3x8 with no doms I think of adding weight.

I recently added barbell lunges and have been slowly adding weight but just got a sore hip. Time to dial back. I’ve also been doing two days a week because the surf has been lame. I also added rows and I think that has helped with the shoulder soreness after surfing.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
One thing I learned doing the barbell lunge is that my right leg is weaker or less stable than my left. When I used to skateboard I would push with my right leg, I think because my left had better balance to be on the board? My right foot is also noticeably out-toed. I learned this when skiing- going up the chair lift my left ski would point out just a few degrees off straight ahead, but my right ski would point 30 degrees or more outward. I blame it on years of surfing crouched in the valgus position, with the back (right) foot splayed outward. It's my right hip that got sore doing lunges ( I think it's the lunges because it's the only thing I've changed).
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Nep status
Aug 9, 2019
One thing I learned doing the barbell lunge is that my right leg is weaker or less stable than my left. When I used to skateboard I would push with my right leg, I think because my left had better balance to be on the board? My right foot is also noticeably out-toed. I learned this when skiing- going up the chair lift my left ski would point out just a few degrees off straight ahead, but my right ski would point 30 degrees or more outward. I blame it on years of surfing crouched in the valgus position, with the back (right) foot splayed outward. It's my right hip that got sore doing lunges ( I think it's the lunges because it's the only thing I've changed).
Sort of sounds like something I have and for me some pain started to present in my right knee, protruding down from the back of my right thigh; so at first I thought it was a knee issue, but x-ray revealed what my Orthopedist referred to as a "pistol hip." He sent me to physical therapy, I blew that off, since I had seen them for the knee stuff and they notice my right hip was far weaker than the left, so I now try to work on strengthening my right hip; kind of boring exercises, but seems to help a little.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
Sort of sounds like something I have and for me some pain started to present in my right knee, protruding down from the back of my right thigh; so at first I thought it was a knee issue, but x-ray revealed what my Orthopedist referred to as a "pistol hip." He sent me to physical therapy, I blew that off, since I had seen them for the knee stuff and they notice my right hip was far weaker than the left, so I now try to work on strengthening my right hip; kind of boring exercises, but seems to help a little.
Care to share what exercises you do for the hip?


Nep status
Aug 9, 2019
Care to share what exercises you do for the hip?
There are a lot of different one's, but I primarily use a medium tension band and side step five paces left to right for a period of time. Then side leg raises are a go to and I also have access to a cable machine* at home and at my gym, put 5 lbs on it and to abductor/inductor movements,
-I'm not always consistent with it but a couple days a week, seems to help, not perfect, and then some days with serious stretching post work out.
- this link has a lot of hip stuff to choose from:

*FWIW, here's the cable machine, got it during lockdown, not gym quality, but affordable and certainly does the job at a good price, and small footprint

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Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
Moved from 3 to 4 days and am feeling much better as well as seeing more gains

Any reason not to do 5 or even 6 days?
I always did best training 6 days a week for 40 minutes.

I'm trying to do that now.

That is how I am for everything.

Short bouts with high frequency.
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Duke status
Dec 17, 2008
I always did best training 6 days a week for 40 minutes.

I'm trying to do that now.

That is how I am for everything.

Short bouts with high frequency.
I'm on 2 days on 1 day off, 45-60 minutes depending on how quick I move and how crowded the palce is