Poast your strenf training program


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
What about a pad under your chest?

It's old guy sh!t but if you want to keep surfing.

Also, work on your t-spine mobility so the next doesn't have to work so hard.

The weird thing about the t-spine is that is will loosen up when you brace your core.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
For t-spine I do the "open book" which really does the entire spine-

For shoulders what am I not doing? Push ups, pull ups, overhead presses,YTWLs, bent over rows, supermans, barbell shrugs, skull crushers...

I went to the PT yesterday and gave her my weekly schedule. She said I got an A+ for my homework and only added one stretch (armpit sniff). She said there was not much more I could do PT wise and I only needed to call if my condition gets noticeably worse.

If I don't surf I think I'd have no problems, because only surfing triggers my low back and my neck /shoulder. I think I just have to live with it. Today I surfed some pretty big waves and for the first time in my life I go suck back over the falls on my board trying to punch through a lip. Got rag dolled pretty heavily and back is sore now. In Sierra Leone they had this saying that they said for just about everything "ow fo du?" Basically, what are you going to do? Kind of resignation. I kind of resigned to dealing with pain during and after surfing. The agony and the ecstasy.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
For t-spine I do the "open book" which really does the entire spine-

For shoulders what am I not doing? Push ups, pull ups, overhead presses,YTWLs, bent over rows, supermans, barbell shrugs, skull crushers...

I went to the PT yesterday and gave her my weekly schedule. She said I got an A+ for my homework and only added one stretch (armpit sniff). She said there was not much more I could do PT wise and I only needed to call if my condition gets noticeably worse.

If I don't surf I think I'd have no problems, because only surfing triggers my low back and my neck /shoulder. I think I just have to live with it. Today I surfed some pretty big waves and for the first time in my life I go suck back over the falls on my board trying to punch through a lip. Got rag dolled pretty heavily and back is sore now. In Sierra Leone they had this saying that they said for just about everything "ow fo du?" Basically, what are you going to do? Kind of resignation. I kind of resigned to dealing with pain during and after surfing. The agony and the ecstasy.
You could try Conor Valley Girl’ total body reset and cut down the number of sets and reps to numbers you’ll do. You could also try Somatics. It sounds like it’s one entire side of your body but it’s most-bothersome on one side of your neck. Everything’s connected, so I can’t say whether you can just try to loosen your shoulders. PTs are pretty useless in my experience.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Seems similar to me. I ran Squatober in January, and was impressed. As a 53 yr old, I made it into the 1000lb club after that month. A fun challenge to compete with my kids. Now I'm about maintaining and endurance work to prepare for a season of hiking and surfing.
Congratulations - this is something few young men can accomplish. What did your training look like to achieve this total? (I suspect you have no use for dem 35s I gave you anymore haha).
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Since @VonMeister is still globe-trotting, I will do my best to substitute. I saw Menno's exercise variations on Renaissance Periodization and his literature reviews are absolutely top shelf:

TL DR: Slowing the eccentric phase adds time under tension but you do fewer reps. It doesn't give more overload because the weight still has to be lifted concentrically. Also, pausing at the bottom or going too slowly probably hinders stretch-mediated hypertrophy. Control the eccentric, do not belabor it. Anticipate the concentric and use the stretch reflex. (Rip was right)

We're bad at estimating RPE (Rip was right):

In light one of Menno's videos and personal experience, I'm not sure this is correct except for the part about fatiguing the posterior chain affecting posterior chain exercises. IOW, if you're using more weight due to a low bar, you're recruiting more muscle as the nervous system concludes, "ALL HANDS ON DECK" and recruits more QUADZ regardless of the precise leverages and biomechanics.

That said, I've been taking Von Meister's advice and using Hatfield squats since it's more like a home hack squat machine. My oldest started doing them too and he's turned into a little grasshopper with his vertical - he's touching the backboard at 5'8". Dads who lift weights definitely encourage more athleticism in their kids.


Legend (inyourownmind)
Mar 20, 2003
San Clemente, CA
Congratulations - this is something few young men can accomplish. What did your training look like to achieve this total? (I suspect you have no use for dem 35s I gave you anymore haha).
Yep, I donated the 35s to my kid. I've been training for years with a lot of different programs, and after a shoulder injury around 2018 it took me several years to get to pain free for heavish weights. The last year I started with some of the other programs run by the Squatober guru (penandpaperstrengthapp), just because I like the programming. Then I started Paul Horn's Radically Simple Strength program around June and ran that as a 4 day program over the summer through September. In October & November, I started with Tactical Barbell to start working on my conditioning and endurance since I was going to be travelling for a couple of months. That was a nice de-load. December I just farted around with random heavy days to keep my strength up, and then January went whole hog.

My funny learning experience is that I had my mind set on a 350 squat and a 425 deadlift. My kid managed to push up 365 on squat, so I thought for sure I could get it. Well, being over 50 is enlightening. 350 went no where, and same with 225. Instead, my 1RM for squat and deadlift only increased 5 lbs over the past year. But, I'll take it. I'm injury free, and mostly pain free, and able to surf multiple times a week. So now I'm running Paul Horn's program b/c I can get in and out of the gym quickly, I get stronger, and recovery is good. I'm planning to be ready for the Catalina hike in a few months.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Rip was right.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Hip mobility update for @casa_mugrienta and @john4surf. I've been doing the Somatics audio lessons on Rick Olderman's website. The marketing on this is awful but a lot of PTs use Somatics to great effect.
Somatics don't always adequately train and expand mobility at the end range of motion, however. For that, I've found this guy helpful.
Much of my hip pain is actually referred from my QL. For that, I just do a twist in my chair using the back of the chair along with an isometric contraction followed by a contralateral contraction. Some of the somatics techniques work for this too. This exercise is in Rick Olderman's SOmatics audio lessons too:

I found static stretching to be mostly useless. I statically stretch my hips and QL a bunch and got no results.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
If the stupid thing wasn’t on sale at Titan I probably wouldn’t have ordered it but just got my old time strong man barbell td. Unloaded its 20lbs and way harder to one hand oh press than a heavier kb. Fat bar works the grip is comfier than an oly bar imo. Stocked to have another toy lol. Gonna load it with BBs and fuck around with complexes along with pressing.



Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Oct 11, 2009
If the stupid thing wasn’t on sale at Titan I probably wouldn’t have ordered it but just got my old time strong man barbell td. Unloaded its 20lbs and way harder to one hand oh press than a heavier kb. Fat bar works the grip is comfier than an oly bar imo. Stocked to have another toy lol. Gonna load it with BBs and fuck around with complexes along with pressing.

View attachment 180495
That little barbell looks like fun - could easily see it being part of a shoulder workout. I t\hink Pop Eye uses one of those :waving:

New toys, workouts, routines, exercises, gear, whatever keep you interested, keep you stoked⁰:waving:


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
That little barbell looks like fun - could easily see it being part of a shoulder workout. I t\hink Pop Eye uses one of those :waving:

New toys, workouts, routines, exercises, gear, whatever keep you interested, keep you stoked⁰:waving:
It is a lot of fun to fuck with. I played around with high rep oly lifts td, still empty. They say you can load it up to 109lbs but I bet mine will be heavier with BBs and you can always take the plastic caps off and load the handle too.

Stocked to start doing some bent presses with it

You were right about Popeye too and with the 1.75” dia handle its gonna build some Popeye forearms lol

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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
Filled the new sandbag yd to 25% bw with some filler bags I already had. Fucked around with it a little to get the weight right(reverse cleans to front squats, hockey deadlifts) forgot how truly awful they are to use bc of how they target stabilizers/your weakness.

Really not looking forward to today’s workout. Just thinking about it is making my stomach hurt. That and maybe the chips and queso I had for dinner last night.

I still want to see @Subway get on the program with me. The weather’s too nice to be doing Peloton indoors. I realize you will miss/need your online Peloton coach friend shouting motivations at you and I think Ive found an appropriate solution to use during sandbag training



Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Filled the new sandbag yd to 25% bw with some filler bags I already had. Fucked around with it a little to get the weight right(reverse cleans to front squats, hockey deadlifts) forgot how truly awful they are to use bc of how they target stabilizers/your weakness.
View attachment 180931

Really not looking forward to today’s workout. Just thinking about it is making my stomach hurt. That and maybe the chips and queso I had for dinner last night.

I still want to see @Subway get on the program with me. The weather’s too nice to be doing Peloton indoors. I realize you will miss/need your online Peloton coach friend shouting motivations at you and I think Ive found an appropriate solution to use during sandbag training

We're here to talk programming and you post a lot of different Matt Furey-style exercises with no programming, seemingly to avoid boredom. How are you planning what you do and how are you measuring progress?


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
We're here to talk programming and you post a lot of different Matt Furey-style exercises with no programming, seemingly to avoid boredom. How are you planning what you do and how are you measuring progress?
Ngl Matt Furey reference was tight.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Ngl Matt Furey reference was tight.

If you sat Dr. Mike and Charles Staley down together, they'd probably agree on most things. Guys with less experience in exercise selection and strength training will have less understanding how to apply these principles. For example, if you're doing a lot of volume in EDT with less than 60% of your 1RM for a given exercise, you're mostly doing cardio via antagonistic circuit training. This might be great for fat loss, but the muscular stimulus will be low.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
View attachment 180960

If you sat Dr. Mike and Charles Staley down together, they'd probably agree on most things. Guys with less experience in exercise selection and strength training will have less understanding how to apply these principles. For example, if you're doing a lot of volume in EDT with less than 60% of your 1RM for a given exercise, you're mostly doing cardio via antagonistic circuit training. This might be great for fat loss, but the muscular stimulus will be low.
That’s where sandbags, kettlebells, lightweight barbells etc come in combined with compound lifts/movements and/or complexes that check off the four boxes (upper/lower push and upper/lower pulls). Your hitting targeted big muscle groups along with training (neglected) stabilizers and spending a lot of time under tension.

You’ll know you’ve picked the right load when you start out thinking this ain’t so bad and by the end of the 20 minutes you’ve been struggling not to quit for the last 5 or so.

Finally in conclusion there’s SAID, specifically adapted to imposed demands. If you do gnarly things (farmers walks, sandbags, barbell/dbl kb complexes etc) and get to the point to where you’re doing some gnarly work (carrying 35% bw per hand, 35% bw plus sandbag) you’re gonna look the part in addition to having some legit work capacity which is what I’m concerned with primarily

And just completed my first sandbag workout in many moons/first of many. Clean, front squat, oh press complexes. Baseline is now at least 150/20 minutes. Not fun, coasted over the finish line/felt slightly dizzy afterwards. Going to have to fuck with reps/set. High rep sets buy you more rest if you’re keeping track of rounds (2min) like I did today
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