Poast your strenf training program


Michael Peterson status
Jun 27, 2019
I built this lever belt squat b/c it allows me to train QUADZ at home without loading the rest of my spine which adds systemic fatigue. Mine is 48" instead of 41" as depicted in this video (some men are longer than others). Mine also has several 5/8" pin holes to shorten the lever arm.

I started low-bar squatting again to train adductors. I have highly-inserted adductors and have to manspread significantly due to the effects of low-bar squatting.

I am not deadlifting much except SLDLs/RDLs to train hamstrings. I'm doing an old-fashioned stretching program for mobility.

I've been talking to a dad on my kid's basketball team who has an MSPT. It's crazy how far behind they are in understanding modern pain science.
Just downloaded the hamstring mobility guide. I have really tight hammies — in part due to a surgery.

Have are you liking the mobility program?


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Just downloaded the hamstring mobility guide. I have really tight hammies — in part due to a surgery.

Have are you liking the mobility program?
Really good, really effective. I've heard a million different ways to improve mobility - dynamic, yoga, etc. This guy just has you do a dynamic warmup, dynamic stretches and two sets of static stretches.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
One more thing: I finally got a cambered bar. It really is the ultimate chest training tool - you can get a lot more stretch under load than you can with dumbells b/c it keeps your elbows out.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Great discussion about hypertrophy training volume.

TL DR: more sets are probably better. Think about all the things built purely with human muscle and you'll get a sense of how adaptive the human body is.


Duke status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
I'm suspicious that this guy is chemically-enhanced. In general, these narcissistic influencers are not good people to follow. Their physiques are generally a combination of chemical enhancement and old-fashioned bodybuilding, not gimmicks like chopping wood and running with water. You're basically contributing to their loafing and dissolution by following them.

It's fine to follow people trying to sell you something as long as they're up-front with it and they're actually using their own product, e.g. Rip sells "Sets of FAHVE" and uses "SETS OF FAHVE." Renaissance Periodization's Israetel uses his own app and shows his own training, not gimmicks. He's also up-front about his drug use.
First of all I don't follow anyone. I saw some of Ryan's videos and watched them. I knew his name because he ran the LA Marathon one year that I did it and there was a lot of hype around him being an Olympian and all. When appropriate to the discussion I might remember the videos and repost them. But I don't follow him. I don't buy anything from videos. I try not to buy anything online period. Total boycott of Amazon.

I can't say whether or not he uses chemical enhancements. I do think he has a driven personality and is maybe even OCD in his training. He does amazing things. A 500 lb deadlift is way, way beyond what I would ever imagine doing. An under 5:00 minute mile? As a running enthusiast I've never got close to that either. At my peak during 10k training runs I would get in an occasional under 6:00 minute mile at mile 3. There was a stretch of beach I would always do that at. I called it my "run like a Kenyan" mile.

I know most strength guys won't do endurance work because of the interference effect. For us endurance guys strength work is win win. But you should try it (distnace running) sometime. It's a different kind of stress. It's much more prolonged than strength work and is mostly mental.

Just for fun go down to your local trac and try doing a 440 in 75 seconds, about the record marathon pace. I tried once and I came up just a little short and collapsed on the ground gasping for air afterwards. Of course I know for most people (like the middle schoolers Ryan talks about in the above viodeo) running is not fun. In fact, PE coaches have always assigned it as punishment.

This is my next punishment test. Includes 5 miles running in loose sand. I just did my first mile in the sand yesterday. I ran at an easy, what felt like 9:00 minute mile pace. When I checked my watch it had taken almost 20 minutes. OK. I'm going to need to train for this one.

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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
I used to do endurance work in the past - I trained for 50 miles of running/week and was a distance swimmer in high school. I eventually just got bored of it and found that strength training in my garage was much more suitable to having young kids and trying to maintain fitness. Lifting big weights is fun but you’re not going to do that forever.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
what happened to von meister?
He’s probably living the dream. Last time he took a big hiatus, he was surfing in the Caribbean and traveling as a wealthy duuu. Unlike us, he has a life.

Not only do different leg equipment allow better loading of the QUADZ, it also facilitates different rep ranges because some exercises become lung exercises at higher rep ranges. For example, in a barbell squat, you’re controlling all the load so it’s best for 5-10 reps but no more - very systemically fatiguing. Machine hack squats, otoh, can be done for 10-15 reps. Leg extensions can be done from 15-30 reps. This lever belt squat thing I made is great in the higher rep ranges too. The Spud Inc pillow squat belt is probably best for it. I’m using an old brute belt and the cams kinda dig into my legs.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
What's a weights workout look like for someone who surfs 3 days a week and has to do weights and cardio on the same days as surf?
the biggest problem will be separating the times you do your cardio and weight lifting. Are you trying to put on muscle or just get strong?


Duke status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
What's a weights workout look like for someone who surfs 3 days a week and has to do weights and cardio on the same days as surf?
Depending on how much cardio you do, cardio and surf is pretty easy, Surf in the morning, do an hour run in the afternoon. It gets harder if I do a long run (13 miles+). Instead, for me, I have to isolate the weight training. I often get DOMS (which hampers my surfing) and feel a rest day after is good to consolidate the gains. Since I retired I do it on Fridays since I generally avoid surfing on the weekend (but have been unpleasantly shocked how crowded it is on weekdays too). I am not really on a constant progressive loading plan anymore, just maintenance. I do keep track of what I do and do try to bump numbers up, litle by little, but not like the true barbell bros.

I only do barbell once a week. For me it's like doing chores, I don't enjoy it the way I enjoy running. It's literally medicine= the barbell prescription. I know I'm probably under dosing but I justify it with "anything is better than nothing," and this-

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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Depending on how much cardio you do, cardio and surf is pretty easy, Surf in the morning, do an hour run in the afternoon. It gets harder if I do a long run (13 miles+). Instead, for me, I have to isolate the weight training. I often get DOMS (which hampers my surfing) and feel a rest day after is good to consolidate the gains. Since I retired I do it on Fridays since I generally avoid surfing on the weekend (but have been unpleasantly shocked how crowded it is on weekdays too). I am not really on a constant progressive loading plan anymore, just maintenance. I do keep track of what I do and do try to bump numbers up, litle by little, but not like the true barbell bros.

I only do barbell once a week. For me it's like doing chores, I don't enjoy it the way I enjoy running. It's literally medicine= the barbell prescription. I know I'm probably under dosing but I justify it with "anything is better than nothing," and this-

Yeah the cardio is no prob. That's my afternoon gig - cycling or running.

So whats your weights consist of?


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Stronger i guess
Alternate weeks like this:

low bar back squat 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
Bench: 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
DL: 1 set of 5RM

low bar back squat 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
Press: 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
chin-ups: 3 sets to failure until you get strong enough to do 3 x 5 weighted

low bar back squat 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
Bench: 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
DL: 1 set of 5RM

low bar back squat 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
Press: 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
chin-ups: 3 sets to failure until you get strong enough to do 3 x 5 weighted

low bar back squat 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
Bench: 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
DL: 1 set of 5RM

low bar back squat 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
Press: 3 sets x 5 (pronounced "FAHVE") reps
chin-ups: 3 sets to failure until you get strong enough to do 3 x 5 weighted

I must warn you ahead of time that getting big and strong makes you "right wing." Also quit running and cycling. If you must do cardio, take up smoking.
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Duke status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
Yeah the cardio is no prob. That's my afternoon gig - cycling or running.

So whats your weights consist of?
3 warm up sets of 5 reps, then 3 sets of 5 (working my way up to 3 sets of 8-10) of
squats, overhead/push press, bent over rows and deadlifts (with shrugs). 3 sets of 10 lunges, 3x20 calf raises and 2 sets of 10-15 curls.

Takes over an hour. The next day I feel it mostly in my hamstrings.