Just downloaded the hamstring mobility guide. I have really tight hammies — in part due to a surgery.I built this lever belt squat b/c it allows me to train QUADZ at home without loading the rest of my spine which adds systemic fatigue. Mine is 48" instead of 41" as depicted in this video (some men are longer than others). Mine also has several 5/8" pin holes to shorten the lever arm.
I started low-bar squatting again to train adductors. I have highly-inserted adductors and have to manspread significantly due to the effects of low-bar squatting.
I am not deadlifting much except SLDLs/RDLs to train hamstrings. I'm doing an old-fashioned stretching program for mobility.
I've been talking to a dad on my kid's basketball team who has an MSPT. It's crazy how far behind they are in understanding modern pain science.
Have are you liking the mobility program?