paddling fatigue


Tom Curren status
Mar 5, 2012
Holy sh!t huryanpost. I'm really sorry to hear that.

Glad you made it out alive.

Still, sounds really hard. Wishing you good strength building and flexibility. If you can safely get in the water even on a bodyboard, you'll have a blast :drowning:
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Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
The lotion is in the motion.

Do what you can without hurting yourself.

But you need to move. That is the main rule and start loading, starting out light.

Walking is a great way to speed up healing


Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
loss of strength and flexibility are the downside to my life now. according to my family I must of had the brain injury all along.
And also being in debt up to my eyeballs. For the rest of my life. and yes even with insurance. Never be able to wear boots again either. will I surf again? who knows. I hope in some shape or form. small price to pay to still be alive.
Very sorry to hear about your accident. When it comes to functional strength, mobility, movement patterns and skills, this is my favorite resource:



Michael Peterson status
Dec 9, 2010
a difficult part of this is I never worked out before, being a carpenter kept me strong and flexible. Going back to work has been my goal knowing I would be moving and doing different things that involves movement is the key to getting stronger and more flexible. But I need to do more I realize. An exercise program is a must if I want to be close to what I was before . for sure what has helped me is being in relatively good shape before the accident. it has helped speed up the healing process from the beginning. But now I must build on that to reach my goals.From the very begining, week by week, I have seen improvement in my condition. and that has not stopped. every week I am better. thanks for the replys. sorry for the hijack


Duke status
Dec 3, 2010
because it solves a different problem, my friend!
it's meant for those moments when you could really use some assistance, not to be boosted at all times! whether it's a strong current or maybe like me, you're just a beginner and lack the paddling strength and don't have a lot of time to practice the sport and honestly doing it just for fun and to take your mind off of things)

It's like a regular fin that has super powers that you can activate when needed:)
Hey, like my Johnson!;)
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Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
Does it spoil?
That is a great question. I know it clumps up fast because I live close to the beach.

I got some that is all clumped up that I am taking anyway.

I say probably it spoils.

It would be smart to put in a zip lock bag and seal up around moisture.

But I'm kind of not a ship shape guy so I will just try the clumpy stuff.

One thing about creatine.

It super cheap.

If it spoils you can just buy more.

It's definitely worth trying if you haven't tried.


Michael Peterson status
Dec 31, 2009
Lennox Head.
yeah, I bought some, I think based on reading here.
tried a few times, never noticed much.

bag's been sitting there for over a year, all clumpy.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
That is funny because I was in the same situation and wondered the same thing and took anyway.

How much were you taking?

Were you working out?


Michael Peterson status
Dec 31, 2009
Lennox Head.
I took the dose that was on the packet.

normal surf/workout regiment.

it was surf season so I was surfing a lot.

maybe I noticed a bit of extra hustle in the paddle.


Gerry Lopez status
Jun 20, 2010
it takes a while for your creatine stores to reach full capacity, "trying it a few times" and you're probably not going to feel much. 5g per day is the standard dosage, you can "load" with 20-25g per day for the first week to reach the desired levels quicker. personally I feel a noticeable difference, seem to have a bit more energy and strength. wouldn't say it's a dramatic change but it works well enough, and for the price it can't be beat.
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
excellent use of the word "fortnight"

i may try the creatine thing. i work out 6-7 days a week, mostly cycling and simple strength stuff, and surf my ass off when we have waves, which can be often, never, and anywhere in between. Sometimes i feel like i could use a boost. I don't drink, I eat well, lots of protein and veggies and some fat, moderate to low carb in general. But i am 40 years old, i ride a desk pretty hard, and walk a few miles every day, i feel like i could have a little more gas in the tank sometimes


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
excellent use of the word "fortnight"

i may try the creatine thing. i work out 6-7 days a week, mostly cycling and simple strength stuff, and surf my ass off when we have waves, which can be often, never, and anywhere in between. Sometimes i feel like i could use a boost. I don't drink, I eat well, lots of protein and veggies and some fat, moderate to low carb in general. But i am 40 years old, i ride a desk pretty hard, and walk a few miles every day, i feel like i could have a little more gas in the tank sometimes
You could try slightly upping your carb intake. Lots of newer research to support eating carbs in the evening in order to refuel the tank for the following day, especially after strength training when your muscles are more insulin sensitive. Don't worry about fat gain, as long as you are in caloric balance.
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
that's a good point, i do notice a bit more energy the next day after a big sushi dinner (rice)

I just dropped like 25 pounds in the last 3 months from paying more attention to portion size, so as long as i keep doing that i could probably eat a few more carbs at night as long as I'm not ADDING to the meat and plants already on my plate.


Gerry Lopez status
Jun 20, 2010
yeah, I did the load and then the daily dose for maybe a fortnight?

maybe I was already hopped on natural creatine?
it's possible, i've read that some people can be "non responders" also. maybe give it another go? if you've already got some I would finish it off and then report back. couldn't be that hard to unclump the batch you have.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
yeah, I did the load and then the daily dose for maybe a fortnight?

maybe I was already hopped on natural creatine?
If you eat a lot of meat you get creatine.

Different people respond to these supplements differently

Maybe for paddling you could try leucine?

I didn't notice a difference but YMMV.

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Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
6 months ago I was in an automobile accident. almost died. 2 weeks in icu, 7 more days in a hospital room. 2 weeks in a rehab hospital. Back at work but limited in what I can accomplish. doing sit ups, squats, working dumbbells. would creatine help me to speed up the process of regaining my strength? also lost my spleen. to fix me they had to fuse my big toe with screws and plates. rod to put my tibia back together. rod to put my femur back together.rod to put the ulna and radius back together. all on the left side fortunately for me being right handed. mild to moderate brain injury, any advice is appreciated.

Holy crap....2 weeks in ICU!

No idea on the creatine, but what is going to work best is your mindset and force of will to get back to where your were.

For brain injuries, read lots of stuff (not US Magazine) and listen to 'complex' music, like symphonic, orchestral works. Gotta work that brain as much as the body to get stuff back.

Good luck and welcome back.