*** Official Snow Surfing Thread ***


Gerry Lopez status
Apr 10, 2009
Banger of an opening week, last week! Kinda cray how it turned on. Snowed 17"s in early Nov and then went high and dry with some pretty good surf for a few weeks. Luckily and apparently it stayed cold enough to retain that initial snow and boom an impressive early December strom cycle kicked in. 5' in 3 or so days. Mid week lift openings for the bros! Rode two days in a row from 9-1 and caught 2, 1st of the season lift openings. 1st day was nuts 3'-4' and deeeep and full on right back on the pow train! Floating down the upper bowls, pulling into white room on every big turn, and quite smokey for PNW. Was 17 that morning at base. Buddy's were sending it off the bat, but I was a little more conservative and content just sarfin the white waves. Next day another lift popped and seshed a zone we normally just hit passing through to other zones, but we rode a line with a few fun features that was so good we did it at least 3 times. Fun rock drop into a powder field where you can lean into a big ole layback hack then hit a roller into a glade down into a little gully that puts ya back on a main run. Tracked it out and did some utility lines to work on the legs. Cant wait for more. :beer:
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Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
I'm 63 and mainly board Utah, Colorado, and Idaho. I ride an Endeavor Archetype
View attachment 143335
Had to Google, Angry owning one was all I needed to know. Solid choice.

Anyone ever been to Discovery near Missoula?
Had to Google, sounds like with appropriate expectations and/or they get dumped on it could be a wicked good time. They certainly have the terrain on the BS



Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
Hopefully gonna get out tomorrow for some leftovers/turns in the 17” we just got.

Looking proper for California

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Duke status
Feb 27, 2009
Season is off to a good start and I haven't made it up yet. Life getting in the way. It's a bummer of catch 22. On one hand I'm not working right now and have time. On the other I'm not working and just bought a house and have been hemorrhaging cash. The pass is already paid for but the cost of lodging, gas and beer is kinda prohibitive for me at the moment. The bummer of it all is if/when I do go back to work in the new year then it will be harder for me to find the time to get up there. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

Debating if I should defer my ikon pass for this season? The deadline is midnight tonight. Apparently if I defer for 23/24 I can still use it in the spring for the remainder of the season.
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Michael Peterson status
Apr 23, 2001
Why put a number on it? Do you size up lineup demographics in the same way or do you just put your head down and surf? Don't overthink it and if you want it, work for it and train a bit. Plenty of old heads at my resort. The crew I ride with are all in mid to late 40s and when it comes to the knowledge of and riding some of the more technical off piste lines on the mountain, Id say we are holding it down pretty well while many of the younger riders are either still trying to figure it out or don't even want to work for it.
I ride with a few skiers who are in their late sixties. I am the only snowboarder. I am 70 and was doing 100 days a year from 55 to 62. Time does take a toll.


Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
100 days/year

Physically, mentally, logistically, etc., there’s no way I could clock 100 days a season.

Lower back still a little tweaked from a fall on Sunday, so I was moving slow yd. Pretty much went up just to eat lunch, ride the magic flying sofas up the mtn, and get some fresh air.

Got some recon done. In this series you can see all our hike to terrain/the Continental dividend

RtoL, Boundary/Montezuma bowls, Alberta peak, peak chutes, Step bowl

Alberta peak, Step bowl, Knife Ridge chutes, Horseshoe bowl

Knife Ridge, Dog, Coyote chutes. Horseshoe center stage then Voodoo bowl.

Last day I ever ride wo at least the front knee brace. Jammed my front knee riding the kind of treacherous cat track (low viz, lots of rollers/bumps) otw to Abracadabra


Was stocked to ride this little section clean, bc otherwise my pow/tree game was lacking yd. Had to skid/slide/side hill way more than I’d like which is at all. Besides being fresh off the DL/tired I was surprised/forgot how hard it can be to commit to a line in the trees.

Was also really stocked at my decision to narrow my stance on my daily driver. Felt way more natural and turned better which is what I expected but the big surprise was how much easier it was to move the board around in general, ie Ollies just got a lot easier where I thought the stance change would make them harder?
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Duke status
Jan 12, 2009
I ride with a few skiers who are in their late sixties. I am the only snowboarder. I am 70 and was doing 100 days a year from 55 to 62. Time does take a toll.
I skied from age 5 to about when I saw the first snowboard in the early 80s. Snowboarded ever since.... Until last year when I discovered how fun skiing can be on shaped skis. My last pair were straight skis 210cm :roflmao:


Miki Dora status
Mar 30, 2009
I skied from age 5 to about when I saw the first snowboard in the early 80s. Snowboarded ever since.... Until last year when I discovered how fun skiing can be on shaped skis. My last pair were straight skis 210cm :roflmao:
Shouldn't you be on the politics forum defending the fags from Gromsdads vile attacks?

I am currently constructing my new snowskate and PVC rail for my center mounted twintips that are nice for spins but can't get me down a hill for sh!t. Pics coming, we have 1" of snow:love:
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Duke status
Jan 12, 2009
Shouldn't you be on the politics forum defending the fags from Gromsdads vile attacks?

I am currently constructing my new snowskate and PVC rail for my center mounted twintips that are nice for spins but can't get me down a hill for sh!t. Pics coming, we have 1" of snow:love:
I can defend fags AND shred at the same time.

I have center mounted twin tips that can carve like nobody's business. I don't do faggy jib spinnies tho. :poop:

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Phil Edwards status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth



The run after this I found a really gnarly mini chute/half pipe with all these cool steps/drops in it just to the riders left of here and decided since it wasn’t gonna snow again for a while I should go beserker mode. For a few minutes I was charging. Getting my turns way up on the walls and just pinballing.

At one point I swear I did this crazy heel side wheelie turn , then I think I went off a drop, bounced off the other wall and then I totally smacked my dome on a log buried in the snow.

Wear your helmets kids.
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Miki Dora status
Mar 30, 2009
3" of snow for quite a few days. I made a 10ft rail to get my practice. I must do a bunch more to get better. I wanna learn fakie on, lip on, 270 on and out, switch up, noseslide and tailslide.

And get rid of the wild arms :roflmao:



Phil Edwards status
Apr 1, 2002
On Wednesday, I finally pulled the ol California Combo - snowboard and surf in the same day.

The day started at Kirkwood. Was on the lifts right when they opened. Really nice groomers, and some very very select stashes of limited powder leftover from the weekend. The tracked out stuff was plenty fun too. Even had a couple runs with my parents. Went hard until 1130, then made lunch in the parking lot, and headed home to Santa Cruz.

By 4pm, I was pulling into my driveway, changed into my wetsuit, grabbed my board and bike, and went down to S***mer La*e. There was an inconsistent but overhead swell in the water, super clean, and I picked off some fun rights and lefts until it was almost too dark to see.