Bro can’t say enough good things about both my Amplids but if you’re looking for something to make your friends hate/chase you when there’s fresh snow, Snommelier. You can find them online for less than retail and for how well they’re made(better than other companies premium?) retail is a bargain. Carbon stringer, precured reinforced binding inserts, sexy weight reducing cut outs etc.
166cm mid size swallowtail with flat spoon- techish nose, thin waist and lots of effective edge. Basically a powder board that doesnt mind the fresh packed gelende but seems to prefer to float rather than grind! I bought this at end of last season but didnt get a chance to...
Angry Snow really likes them now too.
So fast. So fun. He mentions how it’s so fast you have speed to burn to travel side hill/across the fall line and I almost ran into a tree way up on the side of a wicked mellow banked int run bc I was going way faster than expected. That and I was wicked bake but I swear I went so fast on the empty mashed potato groomers it wasn’t funny. It was snowing hard, I was putting the hammer down bc I was riding on silk and and at one point I noticed how fast the trees on the side of the trail were going by and I said this is fucked up. Warp speed bro.
Stocked you got such a good day riding in. With sprays/slashes I’m actually working on creating the white room. French free ride champion Xavier De Le Rue’s How To vids have been a huge inspiration/source of info to me starting to ride again from day numero uno and he talking about spray management and visions made me think about from day one bc here that could make you die
His vids are so simple yet there’s so much info in them it’s loco. Such a gift.