I bought my place in Cardiff maybe 7 years ago at 27. Worked my ass off for a long time saving up. Didn't go out, didn't eat out--nothing. Spent some money on travel but otherwise saved every dollar I made. I also worked A LOT, sometimes 7 days a week. Made some sacrifices and it was absolutely worth it.
Has already gone up in value ~50% since purchase. It's about 5 mins from my parent's house in Leucadia where I grew up. I made a pretty large down payment to get the monthlies as low as possible. Mortgage has been exponentially lower than what I would pay for rent for same property (couple thou less), especially after I refi'd about a month ago. About a mile to the beach, pretty happy overall with how it all turned out. Glad I got in when I did, because if I was looking to purchase now I would have a much tougher time.
I get stoked when I see how much the value has gone up since my purchase, but it doesn't change anything for me, as I'm not planning on selling. I no longer work 7 days a week, more like 5, with 3 of them from home. I have 3 jobs but 2 of them take maybe an hour a week each, so they don't really wear me out too much. Currently saving up for another place and will rent this one out at some point.