For me it's related to the retirement thread. We'd like to downsize or move to a lower rent district to get rid of the mortgage. So I'm always looking.
This one's a little outside my geogrpahic range but I thought I'd share it here for you guys/gals/whatevers. Seems like a great opportunity ....or not. Maybe for a flip. Or for people who like to hit their heads on piers...
This one's a little outside my geogrpahic range but I thought I'd share it here for you guys/gals/whatevers. Seems like a great opportunity ....or not. Maybe for a flip. Or for people who like to hit their heads on piers...
6835 Vista Del Rincon Dr, Ventura, CA 93001 |®
See sales history and home details for 6835 Vista Del Rincon Dr, Ventura, CA 93001, a 3 bed, 3 bath, 1,857 Sq. Ft. single family home built in 1980 that was last sold on 04/14/1988.

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