***Official*** hal9000 fights GromsDad thread.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
These guys are practically neighbors so they're bound to cross paths.

Lots of fighting words from hal these days - saying he met GromsDad in person and that he's an "idiot" .... taunting him as a "fatso" etc.

Pretty tough talk to use against a guy you might see around town.

Lots of tension on hal's end.

Would be interesting to see how this rage would play out in real life.

Maybe we could get ahead of the inevitable and arrange a boxing match between these two?


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
I introduced the term "fatso" for Gross Dad.

He had complained about gaining weight.

That would be the name calling fallacy and not the Ad Hominum.

The fact that we should not listen to him because a toner salesman would be ad homnun
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Duke status
Aug 20, 2010
SUP Nation
I introduced the term "fatso" for Gross Dad.

He had complained about gaining weight.

That would be the name calling fallacy and not the Ad Hominum.

The fact that we should not listen to him because a toner salesman would be ad homnun
What about underbelly grease?
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Duke status
Jan 21, 2014
West of the Atlantic. East of the ICW.
These guys are practically neighbors so they're bound to cross paths.

Lots of fighting words from hal these days - saying he met GromsDad in person and that he's an "idiot" .... taunting him as a "fatso" etc.

Pretty tough talk to use against a guy you might see around town.

Lots of tension on hal's end.

Would be interesting to see how this rage would play out in real life.

Maybe we could get ahead of the inevitable and arrange a boxing match between these two?
The one time our paths crossed hal was a stuttering mess at first thinking he was about to get has ass beat into the ground for being such a dick on the interwebs. Little bald dweeby twerps like him shouldn't poke the bear if they can't back it up. I'm a nice guy though and not prone to violence so he survived the encounter.